Literature - American Literature42515.20good (Part 3)96%124 Bluestone Road (Part 1)44%Helen Oyeyemi (Part 2)12%
Literature - American Literature11619.38good (Part 3)100%124 Bluestone Road (Part 1)63%Helen Oyeyemi (Part 2)31%
History - European History4714.291848 (Part 1)100%Saxons (Part 3)43%Alexander Cuza (Part 2)0%
History - European History1516.001848 (Part 1)100%Saxons (Part 3)60%Alexander Cuza (Part 2)0%
History - American History54112.201860s (Part 1)100%Billion Dollar Congress (Part 3)22%Jay Cooke (Part 2)0%
Science - Physics3715.71South Africa (Part 2)100%graphene (Part 3)57%Abdus Salam (Part 1)0%
Science - Physics1420.00South Africa (Part 2)100%graphene (Part 3)75%Abdus Salam (Part 1)25%
Science - Physics1721.43South Africa (Part 2)100%graphene (Part 3)100%Abdus Salam (Part 1)14%
Science - Biology333.33adsorption (Part 1)33%fibrinogen (Part 2)0%granulomas (Part 3)0%
Science - Biology2316.67adsorption (Part 1)100%fibrinogen (Part 2)33%granulomas (Part 3)33%
British and Commonwealth History - British and Commonwealth History42011.50Henry II Plantagenet (Part 2)65%Welsh Marches (Part 3)50%adulterine (Part 1)0%
11412.86Henry II Plantagenet (Part 2)79%Welsh Marches (Part 3)50%adulterine (Part 1)0%
History - European History51714.12Henry the Navigator (Part 2)94%Catalan (Part 3)35%Algarve (Part 1)12%
Science - Chemistry54111.46cobalt (Part 3)90%carbon monoxide (Part 2)15%alkyne (Part 1)10%
Literature - British Literature53614.72Dylan Thomas (Part 2)89%green (Part 3)47%And death shall have no dominion (Part 1)11%
History - American History42516.40Andrew Jackson (Part 1)96%Gag Rule (Part 3)52%Russia (Part 2)16%
History - American History11618.75Andrew Jackson (Part 1)100%Gag Rule (Part 3)63%Russia (Part 2)25%
Science - Biology347.50hamstrings OR quadriceps (Part 2)50%antagonistic pairs (Part 1)25%fixator (Part 3)0%
Science - Biology2110.00hamstrings OR quadriceps (Part 2)100%antagonistic pairs (Part 1)0%fixator (Part 3)0%
Science - Physics31510.67antimatter (Part 1)80%Z boson (Part 3)27%complex-valued (Part 2)0%
Science - Physics1510.00antimatter (Part 1)80%Z boson (Part 3)20%complex-valued (Part 2)0%
Science - Physics11611.25antimatter (Part 1)81%Z boson (Part 3)31%complex-valued (Part 2)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy54117.32Friedrich Nietzsche (Part 2)100%Apollonian AND Dionysian (Part 1)71%Silenus (Part 3)2%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts53313.33porcelain (Part 2)94%tiles (Part 3)39%Ardabil (Part 1)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy54119.51Aristotle (Part 1)90%Avicenna (Part 3)68%Khazars (Part 2)37%
Literature - European Literature54117.80fourth wall (Part 3)100%Bertolt Brecht (Part 2)68%Augusto Boal (Part 1)10%
Literature - European Literature52216.36Nazi Party (Part 3)100%awarding the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature to Peter Handke (Part 1)36%loser (Part 2)27%
Science - Chemistry4248.33nucleophiles (Part 2)63%Michael addition (Part 3)8%aziridine (Part 1)13%
Science - Chemistry11610.63nucleophiles (Part 2)75%Michael addition (Part 3)25%aziridine (Part 1)6%
Ancient History and Archaeology - Ancient History and Archaeology31710.59perfume (Part 3)47%Babylonian Empire (Part 1)53%Jupiter (Part 2)6%
Ancient History and Archaeology - Ancient History and Archaeology1514.00perfume (Part 3)40%Babylonian Empire (Part 1)80%Jupiter (Part 2)20%
11616.25perfume (Part 3)75%Babylonian Empire (Part 1)63%Jupiter (Part 2)25%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts54112.93banjo (Part 1)98%clawhammer (Part 2)15%Louis Moreau Gottschalk (Part 3)17%
Current Events - Current Events54015.75banknotes (Part 1)100%Nigeria (Part 2)50%All Progressives Congress (Part 3)8%
History - European History54021.50Berlin (Part 1)98%Ernst Röhm (Part 2)58%Dachau (Part 3)60%
Other Science: Math - Other Science: Math3417.50arithmetic mean (Part 2)100%bias (Part 1)75%multiple imputation (Part 3)0%
Other Science: Math - Other Science: Math1620.00arithmetic mean (Part 2)100%bias (Part 1)83%multiple imputation (Part 3)17%
Other Science: Computer Science - Other Science: Computer Science1415.00arithmetic mean (Part 2)100%bias (Part 1)50%multiple imputation (Part 3)0%
History - American History3615.00Prohibition (Part 3)100%Billy Graham (Part 1)50%Billy Sunday (Part 2)0%
History - American History1220.00Prohibition (Part 3)100%Billy Graham (Part 1)50%Billy Sunday (Part 2)50%
Science - Biology3179.41binocularity (Part 1)53%aneurysm (Part 2)41%internuclear ophthalmoplegia (Part 3)0%
Science - Biology1518.00binocularity (Part 1)100%aneurysm (Part 2)80%internuclear ophthalmoplegia (Part 3)0%
Science - Biology11610.00binocularity (Part 1)75%multiple sclerosis (Part 3)6%aneurysm (Part 2)19%
Science - Biology42411.67biological life cycle (Part 1)83%lynx (Part 3)33%phenology (Part 2)0%
Science - Biology1168.75biological life cycle (Part 1)63%lynx (Part 3)25%phenology (Part 2)0%
World and Other Literature - World and Other Literature42517.60beauty (Part 3)96%Africa (Part 2)68%Black Woman (Part 1)12%
11618.75beauty (Part 3)88%Africa (Part 2)88%Black Woman (Part 1)13%
Geography - Geography42415.42iron (Part 3)92%Archibald McMurdo (Part 2)50%blue ice (Part 1)13%
Geography - Geography11615.00iron (Part 3)94%Archibald McMurdo (Part 2)50%blue ice (Part 1)6%
History - European History31711.18Charles V (Part 3)77%Fuggers (Part 2)35%bookkeeping (Part 1)0%
History - European History1518.00Charles V (Part 3)100%Fuggers (Part 2)80%bookkeeping (Part 1)0%
History - European History11618.13Charles V (Part 3)88%Fuggers (Part 2)81%bookkeeping (Part 1)13%
Science - Chemistry2215.00boron (Part 1)100%Suzuki-Miyaura reaction (Part 3)50%pinacol (Part 2)0%
Science - Chemistry3613.33boron (Part 1)83%Suzuki reaction (Part 3)50%pinacol (Part 2)0%
Science - Biology42517.20Type 1 diabetes (Part 3)100%cirrhosis (Part 2)72%branched-chain amino acids (Part 1)0%
Science - Biology11611.25Type 1 diabetes (Part 3)88%cirrhosis (Part 2)6%branched-chain amino acids (Part 1)19%
World and Other Literature - World and Other Literature4259.60Brazil (Part 2)72%Bras Cubas (Part 1)20%Humanitism (Part 3)4%
1813.75Brazil (Part 2)75%Bras Cubas (Part 1)50%Humanitism (Part 3)13%
World and Other Literature - World and Other Literature42217.73comics (Part 3)96%Afrofuturism (Part 2)82%Brown Girl in the Ring (Part 1)0%
11613.13comics (Part 3)100%Afrofuturism (Part 2)31%Brown Girl in the Ring (Part 1)0%
Literature - European Literature42019.00books (Part 3)90%it’s missing the letter e (Part 2)75%Bruno Schulz (Part 1)25%
Literature - European Literature11621.88books (Part 3)100%it’s missing the letter e (Part 2)88%Bruno Schulz (Part 1)31%
History - American History54012.75John “Black Jack” Pershing (Part 2)90%Buffalo soldiers (Part 1)25%Vicksburg campaign (Part 3)13%
Science - Chemistry54114.39diffusion (Part 2)98%overpotential (Part 3)27%Butler–Volmer equation (Part 1)20%
British and Commonwealth History - British and Commonwealth History42513.20Cold War (Part 2)100%War Measures Act (Part 3)24%Canada (Part 1)8%
11618.13Cold War (Part 2)100%War Measures Act (Part 3)69%Canada (Part 1)13%
Science - Biology42510.80aorta (Part 2)96%cats (Part 1)12%P2Y12 (Part 3)0%
Science - Biology11613.13aorta (Part 2)100%cats (Part 1)25%P2Y12 (Part 3)6%
Philosophy - Philosophy31314.62knowledge (Part 3)92%causes (Part 1)46%Nyāya (Part 2)8%
Philosophy - Philosophy21919.47knowledge (Part 3)100%causes (Part 1)79%Nyāya (Part 2)16%
Science - Biology42513.20Petri dishes (Part 3)96%cell cultures (Part 1)28%fetal bovine serum (Part 2)8%
Science - Biology11619.38Petri dishes (Part 3)94%cell cultures (Part 1)69%fetal bovine serum (Part 2)31%
Other Academic - Other Academic42520.40drones (Part 2)96%Charlie Hebdo (Part 1)96%Menocchio (Part 3)12%
Literature - European Literature42417.92Honoré de Balzac (Part 2)92%Elena Ferrante (Part 3)67%China AND France (Part 1)21%
Literature - European Literature11621.88Honoré de Balzac (Part 2)94%Elena Ferrante (Part 3)75%China AND France (Part 1)50%
Other Science: Math - Other Science: Math42512.40greatest common divisor (Part 3)60%Chinese remainder theorem (Part 1)36%ideals (Part 2)28%
Other Science: Math - Other Science: Math11616.25greatest common divisor (Part 3)81%Chinese remainder theorem (Part 1)50%ideals (Part 2)31%
Science - Physics42510.00frequency (Part 2)68%Kerr effect (Part 3)20%chirped-pulse amplification (Part 1)12%
Other Science: Math - Other Science: Math11611.88Carl Friedrich Gauss (Part 3)94%positive definite (Part 2)25%Cholesky factorization (Part 1)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs11610.63Christianity (Part 1)100%self-enlightenment (Part 2)6%Niō (Part 3)0%
Other Science: Computer Science - Other Science: Computer Science3197.37cipher (Part 1)53%certificates (Part 3)21%Advanced Encryption Standard (Part 2)0%
Other Science: Computer Science - Other Science: Computer Science2219.05cipher (Part 1)67%certificates (Part 3)14%Advanced Encryption Standard (Part 2)10%
Social Science - Social Science54012.25civic participation (Part 1)70%social capital (Part 2)48%moving (Part 3)5%
Social Science - Social Science31616.88economic growth (Part 2)88%Botswana (Part 3)63%cleavages (Part 1)19%
Social Science - Social Science22118.57economic growth (Part 2)91%Botswana (Part 3)81%cleavages (Part 1)14%
Science - Chemistry31710.00hydrogen (Part 3)82%CO2 (Part 1)6%copper (Part 2)12%
Science - Chemistry22112.86hydrogen (Part 3)91%CO2 (Part 1)14%copper (Part 2)24%
History - American History11623.75Kentucky (Part 2)75%Blair (Part 3)88%coal miners (Part 1)75%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts53917.18video games (Part 3)100%stride piano (Part 2)51%Cohen (Part 1)21%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts42514.40British Museum (Part 3)100%faces (Part 2)28%cóngs (Part 1)16%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts11614.38British Museum (Part 3)100%faces (Part 2)31%cóngs (Part 1)13%
History - American History3209.00Colin Powell (Part 2)50%London Underground (Part 3)35%covering the tapestry of Guernica at the United Nations headquarters (Part 1)5%
History - American History1514.00Colin Powell (Part 2)60%London Underground (Part 3)80%covering the tapestry of Guernica at the United Nations headquarters (Part 1)0%
History - American History188.75Colin Powell (Part 2)75%London Underground (Part 3)13%covering the tapestry of Guernica at the United Nations headquarters (Part 1)0%
British and Commonwealth History - British and Commonwealth History42516.80cross (Part 1)100%The Dream of the Rood (Part 3)36%Kingdom of Northumbria (Part 2)32%
11617.50cross (Part 1)100%The Dream of the Rood (Part 3)63%Kingdom of Northumbria (Part 2)13%
World and Other Literature - World and Other Literature42011.50Haruki Murakami (Part 3)90%Kafka (Part 2)25%Crow (Part 1)0%
11616.88Haruki Murakami (Part 3)100%Kafka (Part 2)56%Crow (Part 1)13%
Other Academic - Other Academic54113.66cube (Part 1)85%Vision 2030 (Part 2)37%Abrāj al-Bayt (Part 3)15%
History - American History31711.18July 4 (Part 2)94%Notes on the State of Virginia (Part 3)0%David Walker (Part 1)18%
History - American History22111.43July 4th (Part 2)86%Notes on the State of Virginia (Part 3)19%David Walker (Part 1)10%
Geography - Geography11613.75Detroit, Michigan (Part 1)100%Cannonball Run (Part 3)38%Woodward Avenue (Part 2)0%
Geography - Geography42014.50Detroit (Part 1)100%Cannonball Run (Part 3)30%Woodward Avenue (Part 2)15%
Philosophy - Philosophy21011.00pathos (Part 3)100%syllogisms (Part 2)10%dialectic (Part 1)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy1514.00pathos (Part 3)80%syllogisms (Part 2)60%dialectic (Part 1)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy11615.00pathos (Part 3)100%syllogisms (Part 2)50%dialectic (Part 1)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy1516.00pathos (Part 3)100%syllogisms (Part 2)60%dialectic (Part 1)0%
Science - Chemistry42016.00helium (Part 3)100%steric effects (Part 2)60%dielectric strength (Part 1)0%
Science - Chemistry11616.88helium (Part 3)100%steric effects (Part 2)69%dielectric strength (Part 1)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy42512.40Sigmund Freud (Part 3)100%Jean-Francois Lyotard (Part 2)24%differends (Part 1)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy11614.38Sigmund Freud (Part 3)100%Jean-Francois Lyotard (Part 2)44%differends (Part 1)0%
History - American History54113.66dreadnoughts (Part 1)85%Washington Naval Conference (Part 3)49%Standard Type Battleships (Part 2)2%
Ancient History and Archaeology - Ancient History and Archaeology3620.00druids (Part 1)83%divination (Part 3)100%mistletoe (Part 2)17%
1225.00druids (Part 1)100%divination (Part 3)100%mistletoe (Part 2)50%
Science - Physics32012.50electromagnetic field (Part 1)85%Poynting vector (Part 3)30%trace (Part 2)10%
Science - Physics1518.00electromagnetic field (Part 1)80%Poynting vector (Part 3)60%traceless (Part 2)40%
Science - Physics11614.38electromagnetic field (Part 1)88%Poynting vector (Part 3)56%traceless (Part 2)0%
History - European History53314.55Elizabeth I (Part 1)94%Herschel (Part 3)42%Montenegro (Part 2)9%
Science - Chemistry53912.31rate constant (Part 3)64%epoxide (Part 1)59%non-linear effect (Part 2)0%
World and Other Literature - World and Other Literature3620.00Ethiopia (Part 1)100%Ghana (Part 2)67%The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born (Part 3)33%
1230.00Ethiopia (Part 1)100%Ghana (Part 2)100%The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born (Part 3)100%
Beliefs - Beliefs31914.21Rosh HaShanah (Part 3)95%etrog (Part 1)16%Yemen (Part 2)32%
Beliefs - Beliefs22113.81Rosh HaShanah (Part 3)100%etrog (Part 1)14%Yemen (Part 2)24%
Literature - British Literature54118.05W. H. Auden (Part 2)93%fearful symmetry (Part 1)76%Basil Bunting (Part 3)12%
Science - Physics42310.87spin (Part 2)74%polarization density (Part 3)22%ferroelectric AND ferromagnetic (Part 1)13%
Science - Physics11610.63spin (Part 2)94%polarization density (Part 3)13%ferroelectric AND ferromagnetic (Part 1)0%
Literature - British Literature54111.95dashes (Part 3)76%Finnegans Wake (Part 1)29%Ellmann (Part 2)15%
11613.13Hippocrates of Kos (Part 2)100%Solon of Athens (Part 3)31%First Sacred War (Part 1)0%
Ancient History and Archaeology - Ancient History and Archaeology42514.40Hippocrates (Part 2)100%Solon (Part 3)40%First Sacred War (Part 1)4%
Other Arts: Auditory - Other Arts: Auditory42210.45Édith Piaf (Part 3)64%Josephine Baker (Part 2)41%Folies Bergère (Part 1)0%
Other Arts: Auditory - Other Arts: Auditory1168.75Josephine Baker (Part 2)44%Édith Piaf (Part 3)44%Folies Bergère (Part 1)0%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts54113.17Richard Strauss (Part 2)85%theme and variations (Part 3)24%Four Last Songs (Part 1)22%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts54114.88Girl with a Pearl Earring (Part 3)95%Frans Hals (Part 1)42%tronie (Part 2)12%
Science - Chemistry53110.32free radicals (Part 1)81%electron paramagnetic resonance (Part 2)19%first derivative (Part 3)3%
Other Science: Astronomy - Other Science: Astronomy3611.67ellipse (Part 2)100%galactic disks (Part 1)0%Julio F. Navarro AND Carlos Silvestre Frenk AND Simon David Manton White (Part 3)17%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts3613.33lute (Part 2)100%well-tempered (Part 3)17%Galilei (Part 1)17%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts2225.00lute (Part 2)100%well-tempered (Part 3)100%Galilei (Part 1)50%
Science - Biology42515.20Jurassic period (Part 3)100%sauropods (Part 2)28%gastroliths (Part 1)24%
Science - Biology11616.25Jurassic period (Part 3)100%sauropods (Part 2)44%gastroliths (Part 1)19%
Social Science - Social Science366.67deep play (Part 2)50%Gregory Bateson (Part 1)17%collective effervescence (Part 3)0%
Social Science - Social Science2220.00deep play (Part 2)100%Gregory Bateson (Part 1)100%collective effervescence (Part 3)0%
Literature - European Literature3618.33Gustave Flaubert (Part 1)100%“le mot juste (Part 2)50%Emma Bovary’s eyes (Part 3)33%
Literature - European Literature21117.27Gustave Flaubert (Part 1)100%“le mot juste (Part 2)55%Emma Bovary’s eyes (Part 3)18%
History - American History42421.25coal miners (Part 2)100%Blair (Part 3)79%Harlan County (Part 1)33%
Science - Physics42513.60three-body problem (Part 2)84%helium atom (Part 1)44%Eugene Wigner (Part 3)8%
Science - Physics11613.75three-body problem (Part 2)75%helium atom (Part 1)50%Eugene Wigner (Part 3)13%
Literature - British Literature53916.92Henry James (Part 1)92%Algernon Swinburne (Part 3)54%The Rings of Saturn (Part 2)23%
Current Events - Current Events21612.50Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Part 2)100%Highway of Tears (Part 1)6%Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Part 3)19%
World and Other Literature - World and Other Literature42311.74Rabindranath Tagore (Part 3)96%Urvasi (Part 2)4%Hindi (Part 1)17%
11510.67Rabindranath Tagore (Part 3)100%Hindi (Part 1)7%Urvasi (Part 2)0%
Other Academic - Other Academic54111.46Inuit (Part 2)73%hip (Part 1)37%cradleboards (Part 3)5%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts43116.13Baroque period (Part 2)94%viol (Part 3)42%historically informed performance (Part 1)26%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts1520.00Baroque period (Part 2)100%viol (Part 3)60%historically informed performance (Part 1)40%
Literature - American Literature42510.409/11 (Part 3)72%hospitals (Part 1)32%Lorrie Moore (Part 2)0%
Literature - American Literature11616.889/11 (Part 3)100%hospitals (Part 1)69%Lorrie Moore (Part 2)0%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts42510.80film scores (Part 2)100%Das Rheingold (Part 3)8%Howard Shore (Part 1)0%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts11613.13film scores (Part 2)100%Das Rheingold (Part 3)19%Howard Shore (Part 1)13%
Beliefs - Beliefs31812.78hermits (Part 3)89%incorruptibility (Part 1)22%Vilnius (Part 2)17%
Beliefs - Beliefs11613.13hermits (Part 3)100%incorruptibility (Part 1)6%Vilnius (Part 2)25%
Beliefs - Beliefs1510.00hermits (Part 3)100%incorruptibility (Part 1)0%Vilnius (Part 2)0%
Social Science - Social Science42416.25house (Part 2)100%inflation (Part 1)33%Alan Greenspan (Part 3)29%
Social Science - Social Science1812.50house (Part 2)88%inflation (Part 1)38%Alan Greenspan (Part 3)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy31912.11existence (Part 3)79%Willard Van Orman Quine (Part 2)21%intentionality (Part 1)21%
Philosophy - Philosophy1518.00existence (Part 3)100%Willard Van Orman Quine (Part 2)60%intentionality (Part 1)20%
Philosophy - Philosophy11610.63existence (Part 3)75%Willard Van Orman Quine (Part 2)13%intentionality (Part 1)19%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts54114.39string quartet (Part 2)98%Leoš Janáček (Part 3)37%intimate (Part 1)10%
Beliefs - Beliefs42514.80Aesop (Part 2)100%mouse (Part 3)28%jackals (Part 1)20%
Beliefs - Beliefs11616.88Aesop (Part 2)100%mouse (Part 3)63%jackals (Part 1)6%
History - World History4815.00services (Part 3)100%Jamsetji Tata (Part 2)50%Jamshedpur (Part 1)0%
History - World History1215.00services (Part 3)100%Jamsetji Tata (Part 2)50%Jamshedpur (Part 1)0%
Literature - British Literature54112.20Samson (Part 3)98%John Milton (Part 1)24%of man’s first disobedience (Part 2)0%
Literature - European Literature53215.31Joseph Conrad (Part 1)100%Czesław Miłosz (Part 2)13%Ithaca (Part 3)41%
Literature - European Literature53618.61joy (Part 1)100%Stéphane Mallarmé (Part 3)53%“The Infinite (Part 2)33%
Science - Chemistry4257.60ferrocene (Part 3)44%hapticity (Part 2)24%kappa (Part 1)8%
Science - Chemistry11610.63ferrocene (Part 3)69%hapticity (Part 2)31%kappa (Part 1)6%
World and Other Literature - World and Other Literature4248.75Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o (Part 2)67%Kenya’s independence from the United Kingdom (Part 1)21%A General Theory of Oblivion (Part 3)0%
Literature - World Literature11613.75Ngugi wa Thiong’o (Part 2)88%Kenya’s independence (Part 1)13%A General Theory of Oblivion (Part 3)38%
History - World History42115.71Dèng Xiăopíng (Part 2)95%Shēnzhèn (Part 3)52%KFC (Part 1)10%
History - World History11614.38Dèng Xiăopíng (Part 2)100%Shēnzhèn (Part 3)44%KFC (Part 1)0%
Literature - British Literature54014.25First Folio (Part 2)88%never (Part 3)30%King Lear (Part 1)25%
Beliefs - Beliefs42416.67Nepal (Part 2)96%Saraswati (Part 3)50%kite-flying (Part 1)21%
Beliefs - Beliefs11615.00Nepal (Part 2)94%Saraswati (Part 3)56%kite-flying (Part 1)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs54018.75wolf (Part 2)100%snake (Part 3)85%Lagertha (Part 1)3%
Beliefs - Beliefs42510.40Lancelot (Part 1)76%Yvain (Part 2)12%battle (Part 3)16%
Beliefs - Beliefs11610.00Lancelot (Part 1)81%Yvain (Part 2)13%battle (Part 3)6%
Other Science: Math - Other Science: Math31911.05statistical significance (Part 3)74%cross-validation (Part 2)11%LASSO (Part 1)26%
Other Science: Math - Other Science: Math158.00statistical significance (Part 3)60%cross-validation (Part 2)20%LASSO (Part 1)0%
Other Science: Math - Other Science: Math1815.00statistical significance (Part 3)75%cross-validation (Part 2)38%LASSO (Part 1)38%
Other Arts: Visual - Other Arts: Visual53411.76Bauhaus (Part 3)94%Le Corbusier (Part 1)21%marshmallow sofa (Part 2)3%
Literature - American Literature53813.16Ralph Waldo Emerson (Part 2)76%Master (Part 3)42%Leaves of Grass (Part 1)13%
History - World History54119.51France (Part 2)98%Lebanon (Part 1)73%Ṭāʾif Agreement (Part 3)24%
History - World History2210.00Simón Bolívar (Part 2)100%Letter from Jamaica (Part 1)0%First Republic of New Granada (Part 3)0%
History - World History3613.33Simón Bolívar (Part 2)100%Letter from Jamaica (Part 1)33%New Granada (Part 3)0%
Science - Chemistry53510.57logarithm (Part 1)66%bioavailability (Part 2)40%rotatable bonds (Part 3)0%
Literature - British Literature32016.00Frankenstein (Part 3)100%Lord Byron (Part 1)50%Lord Ruthven (Part 2)10%
Literature - British Literature21319.23Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus (Part 3)100%Lord Byron (Part 1)77%Lord Ruthven (Part 2)15%
History - European History42514.80Louis XV (Part 1)76%Geneva (Part 3)68%Church of Saint-Sulpice (Part 2)4%
History - European History11615.63Louis XV (Part 1)88%Geneva (Part 3)69%Church of Saint-Sulpice (Part 2)0%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts54012.50G minor (Part 2)73%French horn (Part 3)43%Louise Farrenc (Part 1)10%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts42212.27Judith (Part 2)86%Lucas Cranach the Elder (Part 1)36%honeycombs (Part 3)0%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts11614.38Judith (Part 2)100%Lucas Cranach the Elder (Part 1)38%honeycombs (Part 3)6%
Literature - European Literature43515.43“The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Part 2)71%In Praise of Folly (Part 3)46%Lucian of Samosata (Part 1)37%
Literature - European Literature136.67“The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Part 2)67%In Praise of Folly (Part 3)0%Lucian of Samosata (Part 1)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs42514.00Thoth (Part 2)84%wisdom literature (Part 3)28%Maat (Part 1)28%
Beliefs - Beliefs11614.38Thoth (Part 2)88%wisdom literature (Part 3)38%Maat (Part 1)19%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts3516.00Germany (Part 2)80%Maine (Part 1)60%I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold (Part 3)20%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts2230.00Germany (Part 2)100%Maine (Part 1)100%I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold (Part 3)100%
Other Arts: Visual - Other Arts: Visual31412.14Cixi (Part 2)86%Guān Yīn (Part 3)36%Manchu (Part 1)0%
Other Arts: Visual - Other Arts: Visual1512.00Cixi (Part 2)80%Guān Yīn (Part 3)40%Manchu (Part 1)0%
Other Arts: Visual - Other Arts: Visual11612.50Cixi (Part 2)100%Guan Yin (Part 3)19%Manchu (Part 1)6%
Other Arts: Auditory - Other Arts: Auditory54111.46pas de deux (Part 3)83%Manon Lescaut (Part 1)22%Kenneth MacMillan (Part 2)10%
Literature - British Literature31217.50Alfred the Great (Part 3)75%Tristan AND Iseult (Part 2)67%Marie de France (Part 1)33%
Literature - British Literature1522.00Alfred the Great (Part 3)80%Tristan AND Iseult (Part 2)80%Marie de France (Part 1)60%
Literature - British Literature11621.88Alfred the Great (Part 3)94%Tristan AND Iseult (Part 2)69%Marie de France (Part 1)56%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts54113.66Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio (Part 2)88%Bacchus (Part 3)44%Mario Minniti (Part 1)5%
Ancient History and Archaeology - Ancient History and Archaeology42516.40infrared (Part 2)100%droughts (Part 3)64%mark (Part 1)0%
1169.38thermal imaging (Part 2)19%droughts (Part 3)75%mark (Part 1)0%
Literature - American Literature42513.20prose (Part 2)84%Samuel Johnson (Part 3)36%Mary Oliver (Part 1)12%
Literature - American Literature11621.25prose (Part 2)94%Samuel Johnson (Part 3)69%Mary Oliver (Part 1)50%
Science - Physics3510.00Feynman diagrams (Part 2)80%vacuum state (Part 3)20%mass of an electron (Part 1)0%
Science - Physics2215.00Feynman diagrams (Part 2)100%vacuum state (Part 3)50%mass of an electron (Part 1)0%
Ancient History and Archaeology - Ancient History and Archaeology42413.33barracks (Part 3)83%Dacia (Part 2)38%Maximinus Thrax (Part 1)13%
11621.25barracks (Part 3)100%Dacia (Part 2)75%Maximinus Thrax (Part 1)38%
Science - Physics42311.30special relativity (Part 3)78%metric tensor (Part 1)26%Riemann curvature tensor (Part 2)9%
Science - Physics11512.67special relativity (Part 3)87%metric tensor (Part 1)27%Riemann curvature tensor (Part 2)13%
World and Other Literature - World and Other Literature41815.00Tagalog (Part 3)100%José Rizal (Part 2)50%Mi último adiós (Part 1)0%
11216.67Tagalog (Part 3)100%José Rizal (Part 2)50%Mi último adiós (Part 1)17%
Other Science: Earth Science - Other Science: Earth Science42510.80clay minerals (Part 2)56%micas (Part 1)44%pyroxenes OR amphiboles (Part 3)8%
Other Science: Earth Science - Other Science: Earth Science1168.75clay minerals (Part 2)56%micas (Part 1)19%pyroxenes OR amphiboles (Part 3)13%
History - American History3712.86Trotskyism (Part 3)100%Michael Harrington (Part 1)14%Kristol (Part 2)14%
History - American History21411.43Trotskyism (Part 3)93%Michael Harrington (Part 1)0%Kristol (Part 2)21%
Current Events - Current Events42315.22COVID-19 (Part 3)100%Microsoft Excel (Part 1)35%PLOS (Part 2)17%
Current Events - Current Events1816.25COVID-19 (Part 3)100%Microsoft Excel (Part 1)50%PLOS (Part 2)13%
History - World History42510.00Heian period (Part 2)44%Minamoto (Part 1)32%Republic of Ezo (Part 3)24%
History - World History11613.75Heian period (Part 2)56%Minamoto (Part 1)44%Republic of Ezo (Part 3)38%
Beliefs - Beliefs42515.20bull (Part 3)100%Moloch (Part 1)44%Ba’al Hammon (Part 2)8%
Beliefs - Beliefs11613.75bull (Part 3)100%Moloch (Part 1)25%Ba’al Hammon (Part 2)13%
Beliefs - Beliefs42017.00robes (Part 2)70%killing insects (Part 3)85%monsoon season (Part 1)15%
Beliefs - Beliefs11218.33robes (Part 2)83%killing insects (Part 3)100%monsoon season (Part 1)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy42518.00utilitarianism (Part 3)100%Philippa Foot (Part 2)76%moral intuitions (Part 1)4%
Philosophy - Philosophy11616.88utilitarianism (Part 3)100%Philippa Foot (Part 2)63%moral intuitions (Part 1)6%
Other Arts: Visual - Other Arts: Visual31914.74Moscow (Part 1)84%universities (Part 2)53%Palace of the Soviets (Part 3)11%
Other Arts: Visual - Other Arts: Visual1520.00Moscow (Part 1)100%universities (Part 2)80%Palace of the Soviets (Part 3)20%
Fine Arts - Other Arts11612.50Moscow (Part 1)75%universities (Part 2)50%Palace of the Soviets (Part 3)0%
Literature - American Literature42018.00Muhammad Ali (Part 1)95%brevity (Part 2)80%Wole Soyinka (Part 3)5%
Literature - American Literature11621.25Muhammad Ali (Part 1)88%brevity (Part 2)100%Wole Soyinka (Part 3)25%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts41315.38nocturne (Part 3)100%piano trios (Part 2)31%Muzio Clementi (Part 1)23%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts11116.36nocturnes (Part 3)82%piano trios (Part 2)27%Muzio Clementi (Part 1)55%
Other Science: Earth Science - Other Science: Earth Science31510.00chlorine (Part 3)73%NOx compounds (Part 2)20%N2O (Part 1)7%
Other Science: Earth Science - Other Science: Earth Science1514.00chlorine (Part 3)60%NOx compounds (Part 2)80%N2O (Part 1)0%
Other Science: Earth Science - Other Science: Earth Science11615.00chlorine (Part 3)81%NOx compounds (Part 2)63%N2O (Part 1)6%
History - European History32012.00Nantes (Part 1)90%Blois (Part 2)30%marinière (Part 3)0%
History - European History21314.62Nantes (Part 1)69%Blois (Part 2)77%marinière (Part 3)0%
Current Events - Current Events42515.20NATO (Part 1)100%North Macedonia (Part 2)48%Prespa Agreement (Part 3)4%
Current Events - Current Events11613.75NATO (Part 1)100%North Macedonia (Part 2)31%Prespa Agreement (Part 3)6%
Literature - European Literature3518.00Miss Julie (Part 3)80%naturalism (Part 1)80%Gerhart Hauptmann (Part 2)20%
Literature - European Literature2225.00Miss Julie (Part 3)100%naturalism (Part 1)100%Gerhart Hauptmann (Part 2)50%
Science - Biology42512.80rice (Part 3)76%O horizon (Part 2)48%negative allelopathy (Part 1)4%
Science - Biology11612.50rice (Part 3)69%O horizon (Part 2)56%negative allelopathy (Part 1)0%
Other Arts: Visual - Other Arts: Visual3613.33Jean-Luc Godard (Part 3)67%New York City (Part 1)67%Vivre sa vie (Part 2)0%
Other Arts: Visual - Other Arts: Visual2215.00Jean-Luc Godard (Part 3)100%New York City (Part 1)50%Vivre sa vie (Part 2)0%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts42514.80Antoni Gaudí (Part 3)88%mirrors (Part 2)56%Niki de Saint Phalle (Part 1)4%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts11614.38Antoni Gaudí (Part 3)88%mirrors (Part 2)25%Niki de Saint Phalle (Part 1)31%
Other Science: Computer Science - Other Science: Computer Science53812.37overflow (Part 3)100%NOP (Part 1)16%XCHG (Part 2)8%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts31611.25Old Masters (Part 1)69%Angelica Kauffman (Part 2)44%Rosalba Carriera (Part 3)0%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts21912.63Old Masters (Part 1)74%Angelica Kauffman (Part 2)47%Rosalba Carriera (Part 3)5%
Social Science - Social Science42511.60oligopoly (Part 1)64%fixed cost (Part 3)24%Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (Part 2)28%
Social Science - Social Science11612.50oligopoly (Part 1)69%fixed cost (Part 3)0%Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (Part 2)56%
History - World History54115.12Ethiopian Empire (Part 2)93%Ottoman Empire (Part 3)39%Oromo (Part 1)20%
Literature - European Literature42416.25Tolstoy (Part 2)100%Futurism (Part 3)29%Osip Mandelstam (Part 1)33%
Literature - European Literature11621.25Tolstoy (Part 2)100%Futurism (Part 3)56%Osip Mandelstam (Part 1)56%
Other Science: Computer Science - Other Science: Computer Science4259.20eigenvalues (Part 2)48%PageRank (Part 1)40%centrality (Part 3)4%
History - World History31115.45Silk Road (Part 3)100%yam route system (Part 2)46%paiza (Part 1)9%
History - World History1514.00Silk Road (Part 3)100%yam route system (Part 2)20%paiza (Part 1)20%
History - World History1813.75Silk Road (Part 3)100%yam route system (Part 2)13%paiza (Part 1)25%
Social Science - Social Science42013.50attention (Part 2)100%passing a ball (Part 1)30%Cyberball (Part 3)5%
Social Science - Social Science11617.50attention (Part 2)100%passing a ball (Part 1)75%Cyberball (Part 3)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs3615.00Protestant Reformation (Part 3)100%covenant (Part 2)50%Paul (Part 1)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs2215.00Protestant Reformation (Part 3)100%covenant (Part 2)0%Paul (Part 1)50%
History - American History32015.00Jim Crow laws (Part 2)100%NOW (Part 3)45%Pauli Murray (Part 1)5%
History - American History1512.00Jim Crow laws (Part 2)80%NOW (Part 3)40%Pauli Murray (Part 1)0%
History - American History11613.13Jim Crow laws (Part 2)94%NOW (Part 3)31%Pauli Murray (Part 1)6%
History - World History31517.33wine industry (Part 2)100%pied-noirs (Part 1)73%Blue Jerboa nuclear test (Part 3)0%
History - World History22118.57wine industry (Part 2)91%pied-noirs (Part 1)95%Blue Jerboa nuclear test (Part 3)0%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts42520.40turntables (Part 3)96%sampling (Part 2)88%plunderphonics (Part 1)20%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts11618.13turntables (Part 3)88%sampling (Part 2)81%plunderphonics (Part 1)13%
Social Science - Social Science51110.00New Haven (Part 3)91%pluralism (Part 1)0%information (Part 2)9%
Social Science - Social Science3613.33Pokémon (Part 1)100%bouba AND kiki (Part 2)33%phonesthemes (Part 3)0%
Social Science - Social Science2320.00Pokémon (Part 1)100%bouba and kiki (Part 2)100%phonesthemes (Part 3)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs1615.00Giants (Part 2)100%Hebe (Part 3)17%Porphyrion (Part 1)33%
Beliefs - Beliefs21412.14Giants (Part 2)79%Hebe (Part 3)36%Porphyrion (Part 1)7%
Beliefs - Beliefs21314.62Gigantes (Part 2)77%Hebe (Part 3)69%Porphyrion (Part 1)0%
Science - Chemistry42511.60potassium (Part 1)80%SDS (Part 3)28%sorbitol (Part 2)8%
Science - Chemistry11618.13potassium (Part 1)88%SDS (Part 3)69%sorbitol (Part 2)25%
Beliefs - Beliefs3210.00prayer rugs (Part 1)100%sujūd (Part 2)0%lamps (Part 3)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs2520.00prayer rugs (Part 1)100%sujūd (Part 2)60%lamps (Part 3)40%
Science - Physics41416.43identity matrix (Part 3)100%projection operators (Part 1)43%density matrix (Part 2)21%
Science - Physics11415.00identity matrix (Part 3)100%projection operators (Part 1)29%density matrix (Part 2)21%
History - European History54118.29Silvio Berlusconi (Part 2)83%Years of Lead (Part 3)85%Propaganda Due (Part 1)15%
Ancient History and Archaeology - Ancient History and Archaeology42518.40circles (Part 3)100%protection from witchcraft (Part 1)80%shoes (Part 2)4%
11616.25circles (Part 3)88%protection from witchcraft (Part 1)75%shoes (Part 2)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy32017.00psychology (Part 1)90%eliminative materialism (Part 3)45%functionalism (Part 2)35%
Philosophy - Philosophy1520.00psychology (Part 1)100%eliminative materialism (Part 3)60%functionalism (Part 2)40%
Philosophy - Philosophy11617.50psychology (Part 1)100%eliminative materialism (Part 3)50%functionalism (Part 2)25%
Other Science: Astronomy - Other Science: Astronomy53814.74supermassive black holes (Part 2)92%pulsars (Part 1)45%B-mode polarization (Part 3)11%
Literature - American Literature54112.68Los Angeles (Part 3)71%restaurant (Part 1)42%Quiara Alegría Hudes (Part 2)15%
Beliefs - Beliefs43516.00Ethiopia (Part 2)94%rock (Part 1)46%Mithras (Part 3)20%
Beliefs - Beliefs1313.33Ethiopia (Part 2)67%rock (Part 1)67%Mithras (Part 3)0%
British and Commonwealth History - British and Commonwealth History42419.58Suez Canal (Part 3)96%Balfour Declaration (Part 2)75%Rothschild family (Part 1)25%
1818.75Suez Canal (Part 3)100%Balfour Declaration (Part 2)75%Rothschild family (Part 1)13%
Geography - Geography2215.00detention center (Part 2)100%Russia and Georgia (Part 1)50%oil pipelines (Part 3)0%
Geography - Geography3615.00detention centers (Part 2)83%Russia AND Georgia (Part 1)67%oil pipelines (Part 3)0%
World and Other Literature - World and Other Literature42510.80Dominican Republic (Part 2)72%colors (Part 3)36%Salomé Ureña (Part 1)0%
11613.75Dominican Republic (Part 2)81%colors (Part 3)56%Salomé Ureña (Part 1)0%
Science - Physics11610.63critical (Part 3)88%power laws (Part 2)6%scale-invariant (Part 1)13%
History - American History42518.00NAACP (Part 2)84%Tennessee (Part 3)80%Scottsboro (Part 1)16%
History - American History11620.63NAACP (Part 2)100%Tennessee (Part 3)88%Scottsboro (Part 1)19%
Other Science: Earth Science - Other Science: Earth Science2210.00Richter scale (Part 3)100%seismometers (Part 1)0%moment magnitude (Part 2)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs31311.54totems (Part 3)85%juju (Part 2)8%Serer (Part 1)23%
Beliefs - Beliefs1310.00totems (Part 3)100%juju (Part 2)0%Serer (Part 1)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs187.50totems (Part 3)75%juju (Part 2)0%Serer (Part 1)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs4316.67Shabbat (Part 1)100%manna (Part 3)67%shamor AND zachor (Part 2)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs1615.00Shabbat (Part 1)83%manna (Part 3)67%shamor AND zachor (Part 2)0%
Other Arts: Visual - Other Arts: Visual53316.36a bridge (Part 3)97%Buster Keaton (Part 2)64%Sherlock Jr. (Part 1)3%
Beliefs - Beliefs42515.60leprechauns (Part 2)96%shoemaker (Part 1)60%hedges (Part 3)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs11615.00leprechauns (Part 2)100%shoemaker (Part 1)50%hedges (Part 3)0%
World and Other Literature - World and Other Literature42512.00Argentina (Part 2)92%Sur (Part 3)28%Silvina Ocampo (Part 1)0%
11613.75Argentina (Part 2)94%Sur (Part 3)38%Silvina Ocampo (Part 1)6%
Literature - American Literature54017.25slave ships (Part 1)100%Amiri Baraka (Part 2)55%Aunt Ester (Part 3)18%
Other Arts: Auditory - Other Arts: Auditory32714.81Macbeth (Part 3)100%Vincenzo Bellini (Part 2)44%sleepwalking (Part 1)4%
Other Arts: Auditory - Other Arts: Auditory21414.29Macbeth (Part 3)100%Vincenzo Bellini (Part 2)43%sleepwalking (Part 1)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs31516.67Bloody Mary (Part 2)100%smoking mirror (Part 1)60%bagua (Part 3)7%
Beliefs - Beliefs22117.14Bloody Mary (Part 2)100%smoking mirror (Part 1)57%bagua (Part 3)14%
Social Science - Social Science31715.29storytelling (Part 2)77%socioeconomic status (Part 1)65%overheard speech (Part 3)12%
Social Science - Social Science22121.90storytelling (Part 2)95%socioeconomic status (Part 1)91%overheard speech (Part 3)33%
Literature - European Literature54015.75The Aeneid (Part 2)93%Claudius (Part 3)60%sortes Vergilianae (Part 1)5%
History - European History52415.42flagellation (Part 3)92%Spanish Philippines (Part 1)58%friars (Part 2)4%
Geography - Geography42517.20spearfishing (Part 1)80%lionfish (Part 2)72%Republic of Honduras (Part 3)20%
Geography - Geography11618.75spearfishing (Part 1)81%lionfish (Part 2)75%Republic of Honduras (Part 3)31%
Other Arts: Visual - Other Arts: Visual51717.65eating disorder (Part 3)100%spray-on dress (Part 1)29%Alexander McQueen (Part 2)47%
History - World History4611.67children (Part 2)50%Sudan (Part 1)67%António Guterres (Part 3)0%
History - World History1412.50children (Part 2)100%Sudan (Part 1)25%António Guterres (Part 3)0%
Science - Biology4258.80phosphates (Part 2)64%G proteins (Part 3)24%superantigens (Part 1)0%
Science - Biology11615.63phosphates (Part 2)81%G proteins (Part 3)63%superantigens (Part 1)13%
Other Science: Earth Science - Other Science: Earth Science32012.00ozone (Part 2)100%supernova (Part 1)10%Pegasus (Part 3)10%
Other Science: Earth Science - Other Science: Earth Science22113.81ozone (Part 2)100%supernova (Part 1)29%Pegasus (Part 3)10%
Beliefs - Beliefs42411.25Christianity (Part 2)100%Suzuki (Part 1)13%Niō (Part 3)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs42513.60nirvāṇa (Part 2)92%Svetāmbara AND Digambara sects (Part 1)40%agamas (Part 3)4%
Beliefs - Beliefs1812.50nirvāṇa (Part 2)75%Svetāmbara AND Digambara sects (Part 1)50%agamas (Part 3)0%
Other Arts: Auditory - Other Arts: Auditory5220.00Jamaica (Part 3)100%swing (Part 1)50%Lindy hop (Part 2)50%
History - European History3220.00Swiss (Part 1)100%Landsknechte (Part 2)50%Battle of Marignano (Part 3)50%
History - European History2120.00Swiss (Part 1)100%Landsknechte (Part 2)100%Battle of Marignano (Part 3)0%
Literature - American Literature54118.05horses (Part 3)81%Sylvia Plath’s father (Part 1)73%“The Colossus (Part 2)27%
History - European History53614.44Catherine the Great (Part 3)97%Tadeusz Kościuszko (Part 1)36%Alexander Suvorov (Part 2)11%
History - World History32014.00Sri Lanka (Part 2)75%Tamil Tigers (Part 1)55%Black Tigers (Part 3)10%
History - World History1522.00Sri Lanka (Part 2)100%Tamil Tigers (Part 1)100%Black Tigers (Part 3)20%
History - World History11616.88Sri Lanka (Part 2)94%Tamil Tigers (Part 1)75%Black Tigers (Part 3)0%
British and Commonwealth History - British and Commonwealth History31510.00Antarctica (Part 3)80%New Zealand (Part 2)13%Tasmania (Part 1)7%
British and Commonwealth History - British and Commonwealth History1528.00Antarctica (Part 3)100%New Zealand (Part 2)100%Tasmania (Part 1)80%
11613.75Antarctica (Part 3)88%New Zealand (Part 2)50%Tasmania (Part 1)0%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts53514.57Spanish Civil War (Part 3)100%tempera (Part 1)11%Leonora Carrington (Part 2)34%
Literature - American Literature3415.00Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Part 2)75%McCarthy (Part 3)50%the angel in the house (Part 1)25%
Literature - American Literature2817.50Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Part 2)100%McCarthy (Part 3)63%the angel in the house (Part 1)13%
Literature - American Literature54015.75The Scarlet Letter (Part 2)85%Italy (Part 3)63%“The Custom-House (Part 1)10%
Literature - British Literature54011.75Laurence Olivier (Part 2)60%long-distance runner (Part 3)50%The Entertainer (Part 1)8%
Other Arts: Auditory - Other Arts: Auditory31711.18Don Giovanni (Part 2)82%The Marriage of Figaro (Part 1)12%contredanse (Part 3)18%
Other Arts: Auditory - Other Arts: Auditory1518.00Don Giovanni (Part 2)100%The Marriage of Figaro (Part 1)80%contredanse (Part 3)0%
Other Arts: Auditory - Other Arts: Auditory11613.13Don Giovanni (Part 2)94%The Marriage of Figaro (Part 1)38%contredanse (Part 3)0%
Literature - British Literature42514.80J. R. R. Tolkien (Part 2)100%the monsters AND the critics (Part 1)32%Diana Wynne Jones (Part 3)16%
Literature - British Literature11615.00J. R. R. Tolkien (Part 2)100%the monsters AND the critics (Part 1)38%Diana Wynne Jones (Part 3)13%
Literature - British Literature3616.67Sherlock Holmes (Part 3)100%“The Murders in the Rue Morgue (Part 1)67%Sheridan Le Fanu (Part 2)0%
Literature - British Literature2215.00Sherlock Holmes (Part 3)100%“The Murders in the Rue Morgue (Part 1)50%Sheridan Le Fanu (Part 2)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy3610.00René Descartes (Part 3)83%common sense (Part 2)17%The New Science (Part 1)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy2220.00Rene Descartes (Part 3)100%common sense (Part 2)50%The New Science (Part 1)50%
Literature - American Literature5817.50The Crying of Lot 49 (Part 3)88%Jonathan Franzen (Part 2)50%The Recognitions (Part 1)38%
Philosophy - Philosophy42416.67Christianity (Part 3)100%the One (Part 2)25%The Six Enneads (Part 1)42%
11617.50Christianity (Part 3)100%the One (Part 2)44%The Six Enneads (Part 1)31%
Beliefs - Beliefs54115.85River Styx (Part 2)100%Zeus AND Poseidon (Part 3)42%Thetis (Part 1)17%
Beliefs - Beliefs3620.00phoenix (Part 3)100%Hòu Yì (Part 2)50%three-legged (Part 1)50%
Beliefs - Beliefs2230.00phoenix (Part 3)100%Hòu Yì (Part 2)100%three-legged (Part 1)100%
Science - Physics42516.00normal force (Part 2)92%torque (Part 1)56%shear force OR bending moment (Part 3)12%
Science - Physics1813.75normal force (Part 2)88%torque (Part 1)38%shear force OR bending moment (Part 3)13%
Social Science - Social Science54112.20ethnography (Part 3)76%transhumance (Part 1)20%sweetgrass (Part 2)27%
Science - Physics41612.50transmission (Part 1)88%differential (Part 3)13%compression ratio (Part 2)25%
Science - Physics11311.54transmission (Part 1)77%differential (Part 3)31%compression ratio (Part 2)8%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts3199.47Virgin Mary (Part 3)90%tympanum (Part 1)5%Reims Cathedral (Part 2)0%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts22113.33Virgin Mary (Part 3)95%tympanum (Part 1)10%Reims Cathedral (Part 2)29%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts54014.50Urbino (Part 1)95%Giuseppe Arcimboldo (Part 2)40%Domenico Ghirlandaio (Part 3)10%
Science - Biology31012.00IV (Part 2)100%Clostridium (Part 3)20%vancomycin (Part 1)0%
Science - Biology1512.00IV (Part 2)100%Clostridium (Part 3)20%vancomycin (Part 1)0%
Science - Biology11414.29IV (Part 2)93%Clostridium (Part 3)29%vancomycin (Part 1)21%
Social Science - Social Science42514.00voting (Part 1)84%second highest bid (Part 2)56%VCG auction (Part 3)0%
Social Science - Social Science11617.50voting (Part 1)94%second highest bid (Part 2)81%VCG auction (Part 3)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs31716.47Greenland (Part 2)94%kayaks (Part 3)41%whales (Part 1)29%
Beliefs - Beliefs1512.00Greenland (Part 2)80%kayaks (Part 3)40%whales (Part 1)0%
Beliefs - Beliefs11615.00Greenland (Part 2)88%kayaks (Part 3)63%whales (Part 1)0%
Current Events - Current Events53719.46Twitter (Part 3)100%Kurds (Part 2)70%Woman, Life, Freedom (Part 1)24%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts42516.00New York City (Part 2)100%Venezuela (Part 3)36%youth orchestra (Part 1)24%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts1817.50New York City (Part 2)75%Venezuela (Part 3)50%youth orchestra (Part 1)50%
World and Other Literature - World and Other Literature41315.38committing suicide (Part 2)100%Confessions of a Mask (Part 3)54%Yukio Mishima (Part 1)0%
1720.00committing suicide (Part 2)100%Confessions of a Mask (Part 3)57%Yukio Mishima (Part 1)43%
Philosophy - Philosophy31712.94Analects (Part 3)100%human nature (Part 2)24%Zhū Xī (Part 1)6%
Philosophy - Philosophy1514.00Analects (Part 3)100%human nature (Part 2)40%Zhū Xī (Part 1)0%
Philosophy - Philosophy1810.00the Analects (Part 3)88%human nature (Part 2)13%Zhū Xī (Part 1)0%
History - World History42516.40Zulu (Part 1)100%Battle of Isandlwana (Part 2)36%Battle of Ulundi (Part 3)28%
History - World History11617.50Zulu (Part 1)100%Battle of Isandlwana (Part 2)63%Battle of Ulundi (Part 3)13%