
The flashback that introduces the main action in Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano is triggered when Laruelle does a parody of this activity using Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this activity popular in ancient Rome, in which people would attempt to determine their future by flipping to a random page of a certain Roman author’s work and reading the first line they saw.
ANSWER: sortes Vergilianae [or Virgilian Lots; prompt on answers involving predicting the future from reading Virgil; reject “Sortes Homericae”]
[10e] People who employed the sortes Vergilianae most commonly drew from this epic of his, which begins, “I sing of arms and the man.”
ANSWER: The Aeneid
[10m] An emperor known by this name used a line from the Aeneid to determine that his brother Quintillus should not succeed him. The “pumpkinification” of another emperor of this name is described in Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis.
ANSWER: Claudius [accept Claudius Gothicus or Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus] (Quintillus did in fact succeed Claudius Gothicus via coup, reigned for 17 days, and was assassinated by his soldiers.)
<HG, European Literature>

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Berkeley BBerkeley C0101020
Berkeley AStanford A0101020
McDouble West-CarletonOttawa C010010
Ottawa BOttawa A010010
WaterlooToronto Ray of Sun in the Sky0101020
ClaremontAuxiliary CLU0101020
DukeSouth Carolina B0101020
North Carolina AJames Madison A001010
NC StateSouth Carolina A010010
Georgia Tech CEmory A0101020
Georgia Tech AGeorgia A0101020
Georgia Tech DGeorgia Tech B0101020
Cambridge AWarwick10101030
DurhamImperial B0101020
Imperial ACambridge B0101020
Chicago BChicago A010010
Illinois AIndiana0101020
Purdue ANotre Dame A10101030
Purdue BIllinois B001010
Notre Dame BVanderbilt010010
George Washington AGeorge Washington B0101020
Johns HopkinsMaryland A0101020
Maryland BGeorgetown010010
Kenyon BMichigan B010010
Michigan A Ohio State A 010010
Ohio State BKenyon A 010010
Arizona StateBoston College0101020
FarrellmagnetismZen and the Art of Buzzing0101020
MSU A and FriendGanon Evans Fan Club0101020
Cornell MATLABCornell R0101020
HCCTAG Magnet: Taylor's Version0101020
Texas ATAMU0101020
Texas CTexas B010010
WUSTL XYZMissouri A010010
Missouri BSIUE0000
WUSTL H2OSquidward Community College010010
North Carolina BJames Madison B0101020