
Michael Wu, Sean Farrell, Leo Law, Daniel Ma

Ancient History and Archaeology522.00100%100%20%
British and Commonwealth History422.50100%100%25%
Current Events225.00100%100%50%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts821.25100%75%38%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts920.00100%78%22%
History - American History721.43100%71%43%
History - European History623.33100%83%50%
History - World History823.75100%88%50%
Literature - American Literature1022.00100%90%30%
Literature - British Literature1020.00100%80%20%
Literature - European Literature1024.00100%60%80%
Other Academic313.3367%33%33%
Other Arts: Auditory130.00100%100%100%
Other Arts: Visual316.67100%67%0%
Other Science: Astronomy215.00100%50%0%
Other Science: Computer Science215.00100%50%0%
Other Science: Earth Science220.00100%100%0%
Other Science: Math130.00100%100%100%
Science - Biology711.4386%29%0%
Science - Chemistry518.00100%80%0%
Science - Physics720.00100%71%29%
Social Science621.67100%83%33%
World and Other Literature917.78100%67%11%