Aristotle analogizes this discipline to rhetoric since both are key to rationality in every art, and neither depends on the established principles of the special sciences. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this discipline, which Aristotle calls the “counterpoint” to rhetoric. Unlike demonstration which proves absolute truth, this discipline’s proofs show that the conclusions follow from endoxa, or accepted premises.
ANSWER: dialectic
[10m] In Aristotle’s Rhetoric, the rhetorician is expected to draw on dialectical abilities to use enthymemes, a rhetorical version of these arguments. These arguments hold if they are both valid and sound.
ANSWER: syllogisms [prompt on deduction or word forms thereof]
[10e] Rhetoric departs from Dialectic in its ability to use this means of persuasion. Unlike appeals using Ethos or Logos, an appeal using this means of persuasion works directly on the audience’s emotions.
ANSWER: pathos
<MB, Philosophy>
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