1316.671968 (Part 1)100%Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Part 3)67%Hot Autumn (Part 2)0%
1120.00400 metres (Part 1)100%South Korea (Part 2)100%trap shooting (Part 3)0%
1320.00soul (Part 2)100%A Tribe Called Quest (Part 1)100%quantisation (Part 3)0%
1220.00gravity (Part 3)100%M-theory (Part 2)100%AdS/CFT correspondence (Part 1)0%
1320.00Odin (Part 2)100%wolves (Part 3)100%Agnarr (Part 1)0%
1313.33Raphael Sanzio da Urbino (Part 2)100%Siena (Part 3)33%Agostino Chigi (Part 1)0%
1316.67Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Part 2)100%Ahmadiyya (Part 1)67%Roza Bal (Part 3)0%
1310.00Novak Djokovic (Part 3)100%New South Wales (Part 2)0%Alex Hawke (Part 1)0%
1410.00Nationalist faction (Part 3)50%Alfonso XIII (Part 1)25%Principality of Asturias (Part 2)25%
1320.00Algeria (Part 1)100%Charles X (Part 2)67%Emir Abdelkader ibn Muhieddine (Part 3)33%
1215.00alphabets (Part 1)50%Tamil script (Part 3)100%abugida (Part 2)0%
1320.00utopian literature (Part 3)100%William Dean Howells (Part 2)67%Altruria (Part 1)33%
1320.00interest rate (Part 3)100%Black-Scholes model (Part 2)100%American options (Part 1)0%
1313.33amino acids (Part 1)100%zwitterions (Part 2)33%sulfamic acid (Part 3)0%
1323.33muses (Part 3)100%Anne Bradstreet (Part 1)100%“Thou ill-form’d offspring of my feeble brain” (Part 2)33%
1323.33Roman Empire (Part 3)100%Antioch (Part 1)67%Himyarite Kingdom (Part 2)67%
1316.67Antonio Vivaldi (Part 1)100%violoncello (Part 2)67%sarabande (Part 3)0%
1320.00mitochondria (Part 2)100%apoptosis (Part 1)67%p53 (Part 3)33%
1320.00Toyota (Part 3)100%apples (Part 1)100%The Resistance (Part 2)0%
1316.67Arab Republic of Egypt (Part 1)100%United Arab Republic (Part 2)67%Camille Nimir Chamoun (Part 3)0%
1316.67Karl Marx (Part 2)100%flâneur (Part 3)33%Arcades Project (Part 1)33%
1313.33Archbishop of Canterbury (Part 3)100%Pope Innocent III (Part 2)33%Arthur I, Duke of Brittany (Part 1)0%
1313.33artificial intelligence (Part 1)100%Gödel’s incompleteness theorems (Part 3)33%The Emperor’s New Mind (Part 2)0%
1323.33Salome (Part 2)100%peacock (Part 3)100%Aubrey Beardsley (Part 1)33%
1323.33August Strindberg (Part 1)100%The Ghost Sonata (Part 3)100%Brandes (Part 2)33%
1310.00second law of thermodynamics (Part 3)100%autocatalytic reactions (Part 1)0%sigmoidal (Part 2)0%
1310.00aviation industry (Part 1)100%British Overseas Airway Corporation (Part 3)0%Worldport (Part 2)0%
1320.00Babylonian cuneiform (Part 1)100%Martial (Part 3)67%Enheduanna (Part 2)33%
1210.00barons (Part 1)100%Provisions of Oxford (Part 2)0%Statute of Marlborough (Part 3)0%
1313.33Holy Roman Emperor (Part 2)100%Council of Constance (Part 3)33%Battle of Nicopolis (Part 1)0%
1316.67Bengal (Part 2)100%Battle of Plassey (Part 1)67%Mirza Muhammad Siraj ud-Daulah (Part 3)0%
136.67Songhai Empire (Part 2)67%Battle of Tondibi (Part 1)0%Taghaza (Part 3)0%
1316.67polar bears (Part 2)100%ants (Part 3)67%Bergmann's rule (Part 1)0%
1316.67Africa (Part 2)100%conservationist (Part 3)67%Binyavanga Wainaina (Part 1)0%
1323.33Michel Foucault (Part 2)100%David Harvey (Part 3)67%biopolitics (Part 1)67%
1316.67hair (Part 2)100%blank sheets of paper (Part 1)33%Lieutenant Colonel Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapaksa (Part 3)33%
1320.00Lorentz group (Part 2)100%boosts (Part 1)100%Levi-Civita tensor (Part 3)0%
1316.67Brazil (Part 1)100%soapstone (Part 3)67%Aleijadinho (Part 2)0%
1320.00ozone (Part 2)100%temperature (Part 3)100%Brewer-Dobson circulation (Part 1)0%
1310.00C. S. Lewis (Part 1)100%Pyrrhonism (Part 3)0%Münchhausen trilemma (Part 2)0%
1323.33Walt Whitman (Part 2)100%I Sing the Body Electric” (Part 3)67%Calamus poems (Part 1)67%
1215.00totem poles (Part 3)100%Canada (Part 1)50%Emily Carr (Part 2)0%
1326.67bridges (Part 3)100%Thanatopsis (Part 2)100%caravans (Part 1)67%
1323.33lions (Part 3)100%Carmina Burana (Part 1)100%the Archpoet (Part 2)33%
1313.33earthquakes (Part 2)100%catfish (Part 1)33%Ebisu-gami (Part 3)0%
1230.00science fiction (Part 2)100%the Kraken (Part 3)100%China Miéville (Part 1)100%
1323.33Chinese Imperial examination system (Part 1)100%corvée labour (Part 3)67%jìnshì (Part 2)67%
1316.67transition metals (Part 3)100%chromium (Part 1)33%cobalt (Part 2)33%
1313.33Johannes Brahms (Part 2)100%Clara Schumann (Part 1)33%string sextet (Part 3)0%
1316.67Les Misérables (Part 2)100%Do you Hear the People Sing?” (Part 3)67%Colm Wilkinson (Part 1)0%
1323.33complex analysis (Part 1)100%dense (Part 2)100%Émile Picard (Part 3)33%
1313.33classical guitar (Part 2)100%Manuel de Falla (Part 3)33%Concierto de Aranjuez (Part 1)0%
1313.33colour (Part 2)100%gauge (Part 3)33%confinement (Part 1)0%
1313.33slave trade (Part 2)67%Congo (Part 1)0%Tippu Tip (Part 3)67%
1313.33Corsica (Part 1)100%Empress Elizabeth of Russia (Part 2)33%Ahmed (Part 3)0%
147.50covalent bonding (Part 1)75%dimers (Part 2)0%copper (Part 3)0%
1320.00spin (Part 3)100%free radicals (Part 2)100%cryptochromes (Part 1)0%
1323.33Cuban Missile Crisis (Part 1)100%Mariel boatlift (Part 3)100%Operation Peter Pan (Part 2)33%
1320.00Jerusalem (Part 3)100%elephant (Part 2)100%Cyril of Alexandria (Part 1)0%
1323.33dào (Part 1)100%drowning (Part 3)100% (Part 2)33%
1310.00Darius I (Part 1)67%Susa (Part 3)33%pointed hats (Part 2)0%
1310.00extrasensory perception (Part 2)100%cards (Part 3)0%Daryl Bem (Part 1)0%
1326.67definite integration (Part 1)100%Carl Friedrich Gauss (Part 2)100%Legendre polynomials (Part 3)67%
1316.67Holy Spirit (Part 2)100%script (Part 3)0%Democratic Republic of the Congo (Part 1)67%
1316.67atoms (Part 2)100%Democritus of Abdera (Part 1)33%Theophrastus (Part 3)33%
1326.67Australia (Part 2)100%circular breathing (Part 3)100%didgeridoo (Part 1)67%
1326.67reverse tape effect (Part 2)100%reverb (Part 3)100%digital audio workstations (Part 1)67%
1323.33Much Ado About Nothing (Part 2)100%Don John the Bastard (Part 3)67%Dogberry (Part 1)67%
1323.33Don Quixote (Part 1)100%Pierre Menard (Part 3)100%Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda (Part 2)33%
1316.67drag force (Part 1)100%George Gabriel Stokes (Part 2)67%stream functions (Part 3)0%
1412.50informed consent (Part 2)100%duty of care (Part 1)25%Gillick competence (Part 3)0%
1326.67national park (Part 2)100%Ecuador (Part 1)100%Chevron Corporation (Part 3)67%
1316.67Coriolis force (Part 2)100%upwelling (Part 3)67%Ekman spiral (Part 1)0%
1320.00Venice (Part 3)100%kente cloth (Part 2)100%El Anatsui (Part 1)0%
1320.00Elon Musk (Part 2)100%El Salvador (Part 1)100%Terra (Part 3)0%
1316.67antennas (Part 2)67%electric dipole (Part 1)67%Jefimenko’s equations (Part 3)33%
1326.67Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Part 1)100%Aurora Leigh (Part 2)100%Casa Guidi (Part 3)67%
1323.33Saul (Part 2)100%the Philistines (Part 3)67%Elohim (Part 1)67%
1310.00Franz Joseph Haydn (Part 2)100%Emperor String Quartet (Part 1)0%theme and variations (Part 3)0%
1110.00Neo-Assyrian Empire (Part 2)100%Demotic script (Part 3)0%Euboea (Part 1)0%
100.00ferromagnetism (Part 3)0%exchange (Part 1)0%Stoner Criterion (Part 2)0%
1410.00castanets (Part 2)75%Luigi Boccherini (Part 3)25%fandango (Part 1)0%
1320.00Táiwān (Part 3)100%Kuomintang (Part 2)100%February 28 incident (Part 1)0%
1323.33Florence (Part 2)100%Filippo Brunelleschi (Part 1)100%sacrifice of Isaac (Part 3)33%
1313.33coal (Part 2)67%First Industrial Revolution (Part 1)33%The Republic of Letters (Part 3)33%
1316.67Flanders (Part 1)100%John McCrae (Part 2)67%Scott (Part 3)0%
1316.67box plots (Part 3)100%flexagons (Part 1)67%Stone (Part 2)0%
1320.00four (Part 1)100%SU (Part 2)67%Heinz Hopf (Part 3)33%
1320.00Crime and Punishment (Part 2)100%Fyodor Dostoevsky (Part 1)33%run over by a carriage (Part 3)67%
1417.50logic (Part 2)75%Gettier problems (Part 1)100%Alvin Goldman (Part 3)0%
1320.00graphs (Part 1)100%greedy (Part 2)67%Ackermann function (Part 3)33%
1310.00Great Joseon (Part 1)100%nobi (Part 2)0%Yeongjo of Joseon (Part 3)0%
1415.00Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Part 2)100%Gregorio Allegri's Miserere (Part 1)25%Confutatis maledictis” (Part 3)25%
136.67Bogotá (Part 2)67%Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego (Part 1)0%19th of April Movement (Part 3)0%
1412.50Dante Alighieri (Part 2)100%hammer (Part 1)25%Abraham Maslow (Part 3)0%
1310.00Hilary Mantel (Part 1)100%The Mirror and the Light (Part 2)0%Gregory (Part 3)0%
1316.67Notre-Dame de Paris (Part 3)100%motets (Part 2)67%hocketing (Part 1)0%
1320.00Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Part 2)100%Pashtuns (Part 3)100%Hotak dynasty (Part 1)0%
1313.33Shia Islam (Part 2)100%Humayun (Part 1)33%Qazvin (Part 3)0%
1310.00teeth (Part 3)100%Igbo (Part 1)0%scarification (Part 2)0%
1310.00Charles Stewart Parnell (Part 2)100%Irish National Land League (Part 1)0%Anna Catherine Parnell (Part 3)0%
1316.67French (Part 2)100%Georges Perec (Part 3)67%Ismail Kadare (Part 1)0%
1316.67Ithaca (Part 1)67%Constantine Petrou Cavafy (Part 2)67%“The God Abandons Antony (Part 3)33%
1316.67Japan (Part 1)100%koto (Part 2)0%Sakura Sakura (Part 3)67%
1316.67Denmark (Part 2)100%Jelling stones (Part 1)67%Roskilde (Part 3)0%
136.67Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley, sixth baronet (Part 3)33%Aleister Crowley (Part 2)33%John Frederick Charles “Boney” Fuller (Part 1)0%
1320.00John Milton (Part 1)100%John Donne (Part 3)100%Stanley Eugene Fish (Part 2)0%
1323.33Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (Part 2)100%Annie Leibovitz (Part 3)100%Julia Margaret Cameron (Part 1)33%
1313.33Whigs (Part 2)67%John Wilkes (Part 3)67%Junius (Part 1)0%
1313.33The Aeneid (Part 2)100%Juno (Part 1)33%Juturna (Part 3)0%
1425.00Kansas Territory (Part 1)100%caning of Charles Sumner (Part 2)100%David Rice Atchison (Part 3)50%
1310.00one half (Part 3)100%kin selection (Part 1)0%Price’s equation (Part 2)0%
1316.67dynamic equilibrium (Part 2)100%difference in Gibbs free energy (Part 3)33%kinetic AND thermodynamic reaction control (Part 1)33%
1420.00being equal to zero (Part 3)100%Green’s functions (Part 2)50%Kramers-Kronig Relations (Part 1)50%
1320.00Dadaism (Part 2)100%Cabaret Voltaire (Part 3)100%Kurt Schwitters (Part 1)0%
1310.00Kingdom of Bohemia (Part 2)67%margrave (Part 3)33%Kutná Hora (Part 1)0%
1313.33Brandenburg (Part 3)67%Livonia (Part 1)67%Saint George (Part 2)0%
1320.00Krishna (Part 3)100%Mahabharata (Part 1)100%Sanjaya (Part 2)0%
1310.00Geoffrey Chaucer (Part 3)100%makars (Part 1)0%William Dunbar (Part 2)0%
1420.00Malcolm X (Part 1)100%Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Part 3)100%Warsan Shire (Part 2)0%
1225.00Mesopotamia (Part 3)100%Mali (Part 1)100%Shang dynasty (Part 2)50%
1313.33Gordon Ramsay (Part 2)100%Marco Pierre White (Part 1)33%Harveys (Part 3)0%
1313.33Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina of Austria (Part 1)100%Carlist Wars (Part 2)33%Holstein (Part 3)0%
1320.00Max Weber (Part 1)100%social action (Part 3)67%Talcott Parsons (Part 2)33%
1310.00Maya civilisation (Part 1)100%altars (Part 3)0%Copán (Part 2)0%
1316.67wars (Part 2)100%A Theory of Justice (Part 3)67%Michael Walzer (Part 1)0%
1326.67Mississippi (Part 2)100%Newbery Medal (Part 3)100%Mildred D. Taylor (Part 1)67%
1220.00minions (Part 1)100%The Dude (Part 2)50%spoons (Part 3)50%
136.67Mithras (Part 1)33%Foster + Partners (Part 2)33%River Walbrook (Part 3)0%
1316.67Seasonal Affective Disorder (Part 2)100%moulting (Part 1)67%premenstrual dysphoric disorder (Part 3)0%
1313.33natural gas (Part 1)100%Karakum Desert (Part 3)33%Teke tribe (Part 2)0%
1422.50detective fiction (Part 2)100%Maori (Part 3)100%Ngaio Marsh (Part 1)25%
1323.33John Coolidge Adams (Part 3)100%Edgard Varèse (Part 2)100%Nicolas Slonimsky (Part 1)33%
1120.00myelin (Part 2)100%lysosomes (Part 3)100%Niemann-Pick disease (Part 1)0%
1420.00William Blake (Part 2)100%the sublime (Part 3)50%Night-Thoughts (Part 1)50%
1316.67NP (Part 1)100%boolean satisfiability (Part 2)67%oracles (Part 3)0%
1310.00carbonyl (Part 3)67%nucleophilic addition (Part 1)0%Burgi-Dünitz angle (Part 2)33%
1320.00epic poem (Part 2)100%Omeros (Part 1)100%Giannina Braschi (Part 3)0%
1320.00nature (Part 2)100%animism (Part 3)100%ontological turn (Part 1)0%
1313.33tithes (Part 3)100%Order of Cistercians (Part 1)33%monastic granges (Part 2)0%
140.00Welsh Conservatives (Part 2)0%Brecon and/or Radnorshire (Part 3)0%Paul Davies (Part 1)0%
100.00porous (Part 3)0%Darcy's law (Part 2)0%percolation (Part 1)0%
1323.33Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Part 3)100%Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (Part 1)100%Jean-Baptiste Grenouille (Part 2)33%
1412.50phenotype (Part 1)100%phenotypic plasticity (Part 2)0%the modern synthesis (Part 3)25%
1313.33thalidomide (Part 2)67%enantiomers (Part 3)67%phocomelia (Part 1)0%
1220.00fractals (Part 2)100%Wacław Sierpiński (Part 3)100%Pierre Fatou (Part 1)0%
1320.00Sappho of Lesbos (Part 2)100%Pindar (Part 1)100%Simonides of Ceos (Part 3)0%
1215.00Beowulf (Part 3)100%Sir John Betjeman (Part 2)50%Poems on the Underground (Part 1)0%
1320.00Poland (Part 1)100%Krzysztof Penderecki (Part 3)100%Krzysztof Komeda (Part 2)0%
1310.00Pope Benedict XVI (Part 1)100%synod (Part 3)0%Dicastery for Bishops (Part 2)0%
1316.67Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (Part 2)100%principle of sufficient reason (Part 1)67%contingent (Part 3)0%
1320.00France and Spain (Part 2)100%railway gauges (Part 1)100%Hendaye (Part 3)0%
1422.50randomness (Part 1)100%Heaviside theta function (Part 3)75%Kiyosi Itô (Part 2)50%
1316.67red blood cells (Part 1)100%allostery (Part 3)67%Max Perutz (Part 2)0%
1323.33redshift (Part 1)100%interstellar medium (Part 3)100%extinction (Part 2)33%
1316.67phase transitions (Part 2)100%renormalization (Part 1)67%conformal bootstrap (Part 3)0%
1320.00rods (Part 2)100%rhodopsin (Part 1)100%optogenetics (Part 3)0%
1320.00Marcel Duchamp (Part 3)100%Vorticism (Part 2)67%Rock Drill (Part 1)33%
1320.00Samarkand (Part 2)100%Roger (Part 1)67%portolan charts (Part 3)33%
1313.33Nat King Cole (Part 2)67%Round Midnight (Part 1)67%Kenny Burrell (Part 3)0%
1316.67The Brothers Karamazov (Part 2)100%Ryūnosuke Akutagawa (Part 1)67%Like Water for Chocolate (Part 3)0%
1323.33Akira Kurosawa (Part 3)100%Drive My Car (Part 2)100%Ryūsuke Hamaguchi (Part 1)33%
1313.33eyes (Part 2)100%Sarah Kane (Part 1)33%4.48 Psychosis (Part 3)0%
1316.67names (Part 3)100%Saul Kripke (Part 1)67%pretty (Part 2)0%
1313.33Hadrian’s Wall (Part 3)100%Eboracum (Part 2)33%Saxon Shore (Part 1)0%
1310.00Addis Ababa (Part 2)100%Second Italo-Ethiopian War (Part 1)0%Walwal Incident (Part 3)0%
1310.00quantum computing (Part 3)100%decision trees (Part 2)0%sensitivity (Part 1)0%
1313.33roulette (Part 2)100%seventeenth (Part 1)33%Nelson (Part 3)0%
1316.67Munros (Part 2)67%Skye (Part 1)100%the Inaccessible Pinnacle (Part 3)0%
1313.33bromine (Part 3)100%SN1 (Part 1)33%polar and protic (Part 2)0%
1320.00Spartacus League (Part 1)100%Rosa Luxemburg (Part 2)67%Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (Part 3)33%
1220.00Indian Ocean monsoon (Part 3)100%Chola dynasty (Part 2)100%Srivijaya (Part 1)0%
1313.33Tate Modern (Part 2)100%Steve McQueen (Part 1)33%Eshun (Part 3)0%
1323.33oral transmission (Part 2)100%Sundiata Keita (Part 1)100%white rooster (Part 3)33%
1316.67surahs (Part 1)100%Maryam (Part 2)67%Luqman (Part 3)0%
1320.00Carl Jung (Part 2)100%Wolfgang Pauli (Part 3)100%synchronicity (Part 1)0%
1320.00Scheherezade (Part 3)100%hands (Part 2)100%Tawfiq al-Hakim (Part 1)0%
1316.67Brazil (Part 2)100%The Alchemist (Part 1)33%The Hour of the Star (Part 3)33%
1320.00F. Scott Fitzgerald (Part 2)100%Edmund Wilson (Part 3)67%“The Crack-Up (Part 1)33%
1215.00the Enlightenment (Part 1)100%virtue (Part 2)50%Leon Trotsky (Part 3)0%
1316.67Isabel Allende (Part 2)100%The House of the Spirits (Part 1)67%Férula Trueba (Part 3)0%
1310.00Mark Rothko (Part 2)100%The Seagram Murals (Part 1)0%de Menil (Part 3)0%
1313.33hip hop (Part 3)67%Henry Louis Gates Jr. (Part 2)33%The Signifying Monkey (Part 1)33%
1320.00Joseph Mallord William Turner (Part 2)100%The Slave Ship: Typhoon Coming On (Part 3)67%The Sun (Part 1)33%
1316.67Anne Brontë (Part 2)100%Patrick Branwell Brontë (Part 3)67%The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Part 1)0%
1316.67The Tin Drum (Part 1)100%Richard Georg Strauss (Part 2)67%Otto Dix (Part 3)0%
1310.00knowledge (Part 2)100%logos (Part 3)0%Theaetetus (Part 1)0%
1220.00cinema (Part 3)100%theory (Part 1)50%Paul de Man (Part 2)50%
1313.33Athens (Part 3)100%Philip II of Macedon (Part 2)33%Thrace (Part 1)0%
1313.33kosher (Part 2)100%Ashkenazi Judaism (Part 3)33%trefa or treif (Part 1)0%
1320.00triptychs (Part 1)100%Matthias Grünewald (Part 3)100%The Last Judgment (Part 2)0%
1410.00Hans Holbein the Younger (Part 3)100%Nicholas Hilliard (Part 2)0%Tudor family (Part 1)0%
1417.50Turks (Part 1)100%Sui dynasty (Part 2)25%Ashina (Part 3)50%
1420.00meditation (Part 3)100%maṇḍala (Part 2)100%Vajrayoginī (Part 1)0%
100.00Portugal (Part 2)0%Vasco da Gama (Part 1)0%Tethys (Part 3)0%
1313.33Vienna (Part 1)100%houses (Part 2)33%Friedensreich Hundertwasser (Part 3)0%
1320.00glass (Part 2)100%volumetric flask (Part 1)100%Quickfit apparatus (Part 3)0%
1316.67Bose-Einstein Condensate (Part 3)100%vortices (Part 1)33%Alexei Abrikosov (Part 2)33%
1313.33Cuba (Part 3)100%Miguel Ángel Asturias (Part 2)33%Where the Air Is Clear (Part 1)0%
1323.33Macbeth (Part 3)100%Wilson (Part 1)100%Countee Cullen (Part 2)33%