2023 ACF Nationals

Round 1: North Carolina A vs. UC Berkeley A

UC Berkeley A


Eve Fleisig3125
Swapnil Garg3125
Shahar Schwartz3125
Ryan Sun01-5
9 bonuses for 130 points (14.44 PPB)

North Carolina A


Vincent Du4040
Vittal Bhat3030
Jonathan Shauf1010
Jim Fan2115
10 bonuses for 110 points (11 PPB)

Eve FleisigSwapnil GargShahar SchwartzRyan SunBonusesTotalTUVincent DuVittal BhatJonathan ShaufJim FanBonusesTotal
10 83010103010
-5 9525210 137010020
25310 1110101050
25510 112010070
10 15510010556-5 10365
10 106001075765
10 92010095865
95910 127100085
10 12801001151085
-5 611101110 1411000105
10 94100013012105
10 1110101016013105
1601410 1170100125
-5 1501551510 1580100145
1551610 1530100165
-5 811501710 1410010185
10 1031010018018185
1801910 1200100205
10 50010020020205
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text