
In the softened version of the singular isothermal sphere model, the dimensionless potential named for this phenomenon is modified to equal the square root of the expression “position squared plus core radius squared,” thereby avoiding a singularity. The foundation for the modern theory of this phenomenon rests on a pair of 1964 papers by Sjur (“shoor”) Refsdal. The Jacobian matrix that describes the change of coordinates (10[1])induced by this phenomenon can be decomposed into a convergence term and a shear term. (10[1])This phenomenon perturbs the line element of the Schwarzschild (“shwartz-shilled”) metric by a factor of “two times (10[1]-5[1])the Newtonian potential over c-squared.” Observing (-5[1])the weak form of this phenomenon (10[2])requires analyzing many slightly distorted (10[1])images, (10[3])while its (10[2])strong (10[1])form creates (10[1])easily visible distortions, such as an Einstein ring. (10[4])For 10 points, (10[1])name this phenomenon in which matter bends light. (10[1]0[1])■END■

ANSWER: gravitational lensing [accept any form of gravitational lensing, such as strong lensing or weak lensing or microlensing]
= Average correct buzz position

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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2095%0%10%112.47


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Adam FineChicago AHouston A6410
Geoffrey ChenCornell AIowa State A7910
Swapnil GargUC Berkeley ANorth Carolina A95-5
Alex LiGeorgia Tech AFlorida B9510
Forrest WeintraubColumbia BSouth Carolina A101-5
Ian ChowToronto APurdue A10710
Raul PassementTexas AMcGill A10710
Vivek SasseChicago BVirginia A11210
Natan HoltzmanStanford AClaremont A11310
Steven LiuMIT AIllinois A11310
John John GrogerColumbia ARutgers B11310
Richard NiuCornell BGeorgia Tech B11510
Leo LawFlorida AIndiana A11510
Jason HongBrown AMinnesota B11610
Justin DuffyHarvard APenn A11810
Caleb KendrickMaryland AVanderbilt A12610
Andrew SalijNorthwestern ANYU A12610
Kevin YeUC Berkeley BYale A12610
Robert CondronChicago CPenn State A12610
Carlos DoebeliImperial AJohns Hopkins A12910
Isak JatoiSouth Carolina AColumbia B1370
Vittal BhatNorth Carolina AUC Berkeley A13710