
This person’s burial is depicted in a painting that features a shiny white horse with a crucified rider. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this artist whose spurning by model Germaine Pichot (“pee-choh”) and subsequent suicide at L’Hippodrome (“lee-poh-drome”) Café inspired a friend to paint The Old Guitarist.
ANSWER: Carles Casagemas (“KAR-luss kuh-suh-ZHEM-us”) [or Carles Antoni Cosme Damià Casagemas i Coll]
[10e] Upon learning of Casagemas’s death, Pablo Picasso began a “period” named for this color, during which he painted Femme aux Bras Croisés (“fahm oh brah kwah-ZAY”) and The Old Guitarist.
ANSWER: blue [accept Blue Period or Período Azul]
[10m] The right of this other Picasso Blue Period painting shows a man modeled on Casagemas pressed against a nude woman while he gestures toward a clothed woman with a baby.
ANSWER: La Vie [or The Life]
<Painting & Sculpture>

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