
One character in this play imagines a person who loses at a rhyming game by thinking “cream tart” rhymes with “corbillon” (“cor-bee-yon”). A play titled for an acting troupe’s “impromptu” performance was written in defense of this other play as part of a literary “quarrel.” A character in this play is briefly believed to be dead after two servants cudgel him off of a ladder. Lycidas (10[1])claims that this play sins “against all the rules of Art” while debating Dorante and Uranie in a rebuttal to critics who considered it obscene. The identity (10[1])of (10[1])Enrique’s daughter is revealed at the end of this play, in which that daughter reads (-5[1])a set of 11 maxims forbidding activities such as picnics and using makeup. Horace is tricked by a character in this (10[1])play who adopts the pseudonym Monsieur de la Souche (10[1])(“soosh”). For 10 points, Arnolphe attempts to (10[1])marry his ward, Agnès (10[1])(“on-YES”), in what Molière (“mole-YAIR”) play (10[1]-5[1])that followed one named for “husbands”? (10[3])■END■ (10[7]0[5])

ANSWER: The School for Wives [or L’école des femmes (“lay-COAL day fahm”)]
<European Literature>
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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2090%0%10%140.56


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Mitch McCullarIllinois AMIT A6410
Caleb KendrickMaryland AVanderbilt A9110
Amogh KulkarniChicago BVirginia A9210
Andrew ZengStanford AClaremont A107-5
Eve FleisigUC Berkeley ANorth Carolina A12810
Jisoo YooTexas AMcGill A13710
Halle FriedmanNYU ANorthwestern A14310
Ned TagtmeierChicago AHouston A14710
Michael LiBrown AMinnesota B151-5
Wenying WuToronto APurdue A15110
Khushi UmarwadiaSouth Carolina AColumbia B15710
Arthur Delot-VilainYale AUC Berkeley B15710
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech AFlorida B15710
Tomás Aguilar-FragaClaremont AStanford A15810
Richard NiuCornell BGeorgia Tech B15810
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech BCornell B1580
Tracy MirkinFlorida AIndiana A15810
Seth EbnerJohns Hopkins AImperial A15810
Morgan BozemanMinnesota BBrown A1580
Vishal KanigicherlaPenn AHarvard A1580
Mazin OmerHarvard APenn A1580
Collin AceRutgers BColumbia A15810
Conor ThompsonIowa State ACornell A1580
Nathan ZhangCornell AIowa State A15810
Robert CondronChicago CPenn State A15810