
A form of this disease is difficult to distinguish pathologically from a drug reaction called AGEP. A severe form of this disease can be treated using spesolimab, an IL-36 inhibitor. Tissue affected by this disease may be surrounded by pale rings named for Woronoff and shows Munro microabscesses and elongated thin rete (“ree-tee”) ridges. A high risk of this disease is conferred by the HLA-C*06:02 (“H-L-A-C-oh-six-oh-two”) polymorphism. Streptococcal infections can trigger flares of this disease’s “guttate” form. Telescoping fingers (10[1])and sausage digits can occur (-5[1])in an arthritis associated with this disease, which also causes oil spots and nail pitting. (10[1])This disease is treated with vitamin D derivatives like calcipotriene. (-5[1])This disease, which has plaque and pustular subtypes, (10[2])preferentially affects the extensor surfaces of (10[1])the elbows (10[1])and knees, unlike (10[1])eczema (“EX-uh-muh”). For 10 (10[2])points, name (10[1])this skin (10[1])disease that causes (10[1])itchy (10[1])red plaques (10[4])with (10[1])silvery scale. (10[1])■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: psoriasis (“so-RYE-uh-siss”) [or psoriasis vulgaris; accept specific types of psoriasis, such as plaque psoriasis or pustular psoriasis or guttate psoriasis; accept psoriatic arthritis; prompt on arthritis until read; reject “rheumatoid arthritis” or “osteoarthritis” or “RA”]
= Average correct buzz position

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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y20100%0%10%126.50


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Adam FineChicago AHouston A7610
Shahar SchwartzUC Berkeley ANorth Carolina A81-5
Noah ChenColumbia BSouth Carolina A9610
Vishal KanigicherlaPenn AHarvard A106-5
Natan HoltzmanStanford AClaremont A11410
Ameya PhadnisRutgers BColumbia A11410
Halle FriedmanNYU ANorthwestern A12010
Alana DickeyVirginia AChicago B12210
Conor ThompsonIowa State ACornell A12510
Mazin OmerHarvard APenn A12810
Robert CondronChicago CPenn State A12810
Andrew HannaVanderbilt AMaryland A13010
Anson BernsBrown AMinnesota B13210
Michał GerasimiukYale AUC Berkeley B13510
Leah HonsingerFlorida AIndiana A13610
Michael MaysImperial AJohns Hopkins A13810
Alex PijanowskiPurdue AToronto A13810
Jacob Van OorschotMcGill ATexas A13810
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech AFlorida B13810
Steven LiuMIT AIllinois A13910
Jim FanNorth Carolina AUC Berkeley A14110
S. A. ShenoyGeorgia Tech BCornell B14210