
This philosopher’s description of the Moon wandering around the Earth with “borrowed light” is the earliest known Greek expression of the idea that the Moon reflects the Sun’s light. The Diels–Kranz reading of a key sentence by this philosopher is the basis for G. E. L. Owen’s translation of it as “What can be spoken and thought of must exist, for it [emphasize] can exist, whereas nothing cannot.” (10[1])Guthrie interpreted this philosopher as a strict monist who attacked the Milesian (“my-LESION”) idea that “the world had not always existed in its present cosmic state.” This philosopher described a chariot ride to the home of an (10[1])unnamed goddess (10[3]-5[1])in the proem (10[2])to a fragmentary poem (10[3])that uses the words aletheia (10[1])(“ah-leh-TAY-ah”) and doxa (“DOCK-suh”) to refer to the “Way of Truth” (10[1])and the “Way of Opinion.” For 10 points, name this founder (10[1])of the Eleatic School, (-5[2])who appears with Zeno (10[1])in his namesake Socratic dialogue. ■END■ (10[2]0[3])

ANSWER: Parmenides (“par-MEN-uh-deez”) of Elea [accept the Parmenides]
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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y1984%0%16%116.50


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
John MarvinChicago BVirginia A6710
Arthur Delot-VilainYale AUC Berkeley B10310
Jack ObermanSouth Carolina AColumbia B10510
Grace LiuMIT AIllinois A105-5
Halle FriedmanNYU ANorthwestern A10510
Quynh PhungPurdue AToronto A10510
Matt JacksonChicago AHouston A10810
Raymond WangCornell AIowa State A10810
Tim MorrisonStanford AClaremont A11210
Caleb KendrickMaryland AVanderbilt A11210
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech AFlorida B11210
Vincent DuNorth Carolina AUC Berkeley A11710
Brad MacLaineTexas AMcGill A12610
Tracy MirkinFlorida AIndiana A13710
Enoch YuenImperial AJohns Hopkins A141-5
Anson BernsBrown AMinnesota B141-5
Robert CondronChicago CPenn State A14510
Mitch McCullarIllinois AMIT A15110
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn AHarvard A1510
Cole TimmerwilkeHarvard APenn A15110
Noah SheidlowerColumbia ARutgers B1510
Lexi TermanRutgers BColumbia A1510