2023 ACF Nationals

Round 1: NYU A vs. Northwestern A



Nat Ku000
Keegan Martin000
Justin Chen1010
Halle Friedman6060
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

Northwestern A


Nikhil Chellam2020
Sharath Narayan01-5
Andrew Salij3125
Chris Sims5145
10 bonuses for 130 points (13 PPB)

Nat KuKeegan MartinJustin ChenHalle FriedmanBonusesTotalTUNikhil ChellamSharath NarayanAndrew SalijChris SimsBonusesTotal
10 14101010301-5 59-5
30210 126010015
10 86010050315
504-5 13810
50510 132010030
50610 1311001060
10 105001070760
70810 100010080
70910 1231000100
10 1431010010010100
10011-5 9295
1001210 4710010125
1001310 11110100155
10 1050101013014155
10 127010015015155
1501610 58000165
10 120010017017165
0 145170180 145165
1701910 11501010195
1702010 1120100215
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text