2023 ACF Nationals

Round 1: Florida B vs. Georgia Tech A

Georgia Tech A


Arya Karthik7260
Hari Parameswaran6250
Alex Li1010
14 bonuses for 250 points (17.86 PPB)

Florida B


Mateo Acosta1010
Tiffany Zhou2020
Qingyu Zhang115
Jeya Iyadurai115
5 bonuses for 70 points (14 PPB)

Arya KarthikHari ParameswaranAlex LiBonusesTotalTUMateo AcostaTiffany ZhouQingyu ZhangJeya IyaduraiBonusesTotal
10 49010103010
10 951010107020
-5 12065310 1481001030
-5 4760430
10 1311010090530
10 14610010120630
10 10810010150730
150810 99010050
150910 72100070
10 157101001801070
-5 631751110 142100090
10 1541010020512-5 10285
10 94010102351385
10 11201002551485
10 800002651585
10 14901002851685
10 138010103151785
10 145101003451885
10 1460101037519-5 9680
-5 643702010 14101010110
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text