2023 ACF Nationals

Round 8: Ohio State A vs. Texas A

Ohio State A


Clark Smith7165
Chris Ray7070
Roxanne Tang2020
Pranav Sivaram000
16 bonuses for 250 points (15.63 PPB)

Texas A


Raul Passement2020
Karan Gurazada01-5
Jisoo Yoo000
Bradley McLain115
3 bonuses for 50 points (16.67 PPB)

Clark SmithChris RayRoxanne TangPranav SivaramBonusesTotalTURaul PassementKaran GurazadaJisoo YooBradley McLainBonusesTotal
10 1160100201-5 103-5
10 5601010502-5
10 1250100703-5
10 690010904-5
10 109100101205-5
10 14010001406-5
1407-5 111-10
10 12001001608-10
10 1321010102009-10
10 1241010023010-10
10 96010025011-10
10 124100027012-10
10 130010029013-10
10 125100031014-10
3101510 941001020
10 991010103501620
3501710 1211001050
-5 643451810 162001070
10 129101003751970
10 133101004052070
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text