
Michelle Girvan and Mark Newman authored a 2002 paper on community detection within these structures. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name these structures consisting of social actors and the ties that connect them.
ANSWER: social networks
[10h] Girvan and Newman popularized this simple social network of 34 individuals, including the rival admins “John A” and “Mr. Hi.” It is a ubiquitous toy dataset for studies in network science.
ANSWER: Zachary’s karate club [prompt on martial arts club]
[10m] As the admins, nodes 1 and 34 in Zachary’s karate club have a high degree of this broad measure of a node’s structural importance. This property’s “betweenness” type counts the number of shortest paths traversing a node.
ANSWER: node centrality [accept betweenness centrality]
<Social Science>

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Iowa State AChicago B100010
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Georgia Tech BNYU A0000
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Penn State AFlorida B0000
Harvard ARutgers A100010
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