
The dzarguchi (“zar-GOO-chee”) tasked with supervising Chinese merchants in this town and the nearby mǎimàichéng (“my-my-chung”) of Altanbulag often imposed illegal taxes for their own gain. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this town where merchants used a namesake pidgin to trade pelts and rhubarb after a 1727 successor treaty to the Treaty of Nerchinsk was signed in this town to clarify the China–Russia border.
ANSWER: Kyakhta [or Khiagt; accept Treaty of Kyakhta; accept Kyakhta Russian–Chinese Pidgin]
[10e] The Kyakhta trade flourished under this dynasty, but was briefly suspended by its Qiánlóng (“ch’yen-lung”) Emperor in the 1790s.
ANSWER: Qīng (“ching”) dynasty [or Great Qīng or Dà Qīng, reject “Qín (“cheen”)”]
[10m] The Siberian Route between Russia and China was sometimes named for the quantities of this trade good transported on it. Robert Fortune was employed to steal the secrets of producing this good after the Macartney Embassy was rebuffed.
ANSWER: tea [or chá; accept Tea Road]
<World History>

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Chicago CMIT A010010
Purdue AColumbia B010010
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NYU AGeorgia Tech B010010
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Chicago AMinnesota A010010
Ohio State ATexas A010010
Penn State AFlorida B010010
Harvard ARutgers A0101020
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McGill AUC Berkeley B010010
Northwestern AClaremont A010010