
Avicenna supposedly read the Metaphysics forty times, but failed to understand it until he read this philosopher’s commentary. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this 10th-century Islamic philosopher known as the “Second Teacher.”
ANSWER: Abu Nasr Muhammad al-Fārābī [or Alpharabius; or Abū Naṣr Muḥammad al-Fārābī]
[10h] Al-Fārābī argued that logic is similar to this field, except that it involves “intelligibles.” A debate in the year 932 between Abu Sa’id al-Sirafi and Abū Bishr Mattā concerned the relationship between logic and this field.
ANSWER: grammar [prompt on linguistics or language]
[10e] Al-Fārābī’s moniker of “Second Teacher” alludes to this philosopher, who was known as the “First Teacher.” Islamic logic was largely inspired by this philosopher’s Organon.
ANSWER: Aristotle [or Aristotélēs]

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Cornell AImperial A1001020
WUSTL AYale B1001020
Chicago BIowa State A001010
MIT AChicago C001010
Columbia BPurdue A0000
Florida ASouth Carolina A1001020
Virginia AJohns Hopkins A0000
Chicago AMinnesota A1001020
Texas AOhio State A1001020
Penn State AFlorida B001010
Rutgers AHarvard A001010
WUSTL BRutgers B0000
Cornell BStanford A1001020
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Michigan ADuke A001010
Indiana AToronto A010010
UC Berkeley BMcGill A0000