
The Swedish village of Jukkasjärvi (“YOO-kuss-YAIR-vee”) hosts a hotel made completely from this material. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this material used by the Inuit to create homes consisting of circularly upward spiraling patterns of bricks.
ANSWER: ice [or snow; accept ICEHOTEL; prompt on water or H2O] (The Inuit homes are igluit, or igloos.)
[10m] In 2018, the Eindhoven Institute created a 31-foot-tall sculpture at this Chinese city’s annual ice festival. This capital of Hēilóngjiāng (“hay-lung-j’yahng”) in Northeast China had a large Russian population due to the Chinese Eastern Railway.
ANSWER: Harbin (“har-BEAN”) [or Hā’ěrbīn; or Halbin; accept Harbin Ice and Snow Festival or Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival or Hā’ěrbīn Guójì Bīngxuě Jié]
[10h] At the 2019 Harbin festival, Eindhoven made a 40-foot tower based on this architect’s designs. This architect, who imagined specially connected canals in an “ideal city,” may have designed a double helix staircase at the Château de Chambord.
ANSWER: Leonardo da Vinci [or Leonardo da Vinci]

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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y1519.33100%93%0%


Cornell AImperial A1010020
WUSTL AYale B1010020
Iowa State AChicago B1010020
MIT AChicago C1010020
Florida ASouth Carolina A1010020
Virginia AJohns Hopkins A1010020
Minnesota AChicago A1010020
Ohio State ATexas A1010020
Penn State AFlorida B1010020
Rutgers AHarvard A1010020
Stanford ACornell B1010020
Georgia Tech AIllinois A1010020
Duke AMichigan A1010020
Toronto AIndiana A1010020
Claremont ANorthwestern A100010