2023 ACF Nationals

Round 8: Cornell A vs. Imperial A

Cornell A


Nathan Zhang2020
Geoffrey Chen6060
Raymond Wang7070
Jonathan Tran3125
18 bonuses for 370 points (20.56 PPB)

Imperial A


Enoch Yuen000
Michael Mays1010
Rahim Dina000
Carlos Doebeli1010
2 bonuses for 20 points (10 PPB)

Nathan ZhangGeoffrey ChenRaymond WangJonathan TranBonusesTotalTUEnoch YuenMichael MaysRahim DinaCarlos DoebeliBonusesTotal
10 90101003010
10 113100106020
10 12810008030
10 701001011040
10 84001013050
10 1381001016060
10 8410101020070
10 10010101024080
10 361010027090
10 1260100290100
10 96101010330110
10 1240100350120
0 1523501310 152100020
10 61010103801420
10 931010104201520
10 119100104501620
10 1071010104901720
10 149101005201820
10 148101005501920
-5 595452010 165100040
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text