2023 ACF Nationals

Round 8: Chicago B vs. Iowa State A

Chicago B


Vivek Sasse4040
John Marvin115
Amogh Kulkarni7165
Daniel Yang120
13 bonuses for 240 points (18.46 PPB)

Iowa State A


Conor Thompson5145
JD Kroth01-5
Guy Indorante115
6 bonuses for 100 points (16.67 PPB)

Vivek SasseJohn MarvinAmogh KulkarniDaniel YangBonusesTotalTUConor ThompsonJD KrothGuy IndoranteBonusesTotal
10 83101003010
10 98010106020
10 15301010903-5 128-5
-5 7285410 14410101035
10 10810010115535
-5 151110610 165100055
10 1070100130755
10 12001010160855
10 6310100190955
-5 981851010 133010075
10 129100102151175
10 127010102451275
2451310 15210010105
10 14710101028514-5 118100
10 891001031515100
10 116001033516100
-5 13033017100
3301810 1320010120
3301910 9210100150
10 165010035020-5 75145
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text