2023 ACF Nationals

Round 8: Indiana A vs. Toronto A

Toronto A


Gareth Thorlakson1010
Raymond Chen2020
Wenying Wu3030
Ian Chow2115
8 bonuses for 140 points (17.5 PPB)

Indiana A


Justin Hawkins4040
Alex Akridge2020
Drake Eshleman2020
Zane Kierzyk2020
10 bonuses for 150 points (15 PPB)

Gareth ThorlaksonRaymond ChenWenying WuIan ChowBonusesTotalTUJustin HawkinsAlex AkridgeDrake EshlemanZane KierzykBonusesTotal
0 117010 1170
10 22101003020
10 142010106030
60410 710101030
10 112001080530
80610 1471001060
80710 141100080
10 12701010110880
110910 1220100100
10 13310100140100 133100
1401110 970100120
1401210 13110010150
1401310 1220100170
10 107100016014170
1601510 11010010200
10 1100101019016200
0 141190170 141200
-5 1551851810 1630100220
1851910 7010010250
10 1421010021520250
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text