2023 ACF Nationals

Round 5: Toronto A vs. WUSTL A



Matthew Lehmann7165
Charles Hang4040
Annabelle Yang1010
Paul Lee02-10
12 bonuses for 180 points (15 PPB)

Toronto A


Sky Li1010
Raymond Chen2020
Wenying Wu3030
Ian Chow2210
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Matthew LehmannCharles HangAnnabelle YangPaul LeeBonusesTotalTUSky LiRaymond ChenWenying WuIan ChowBonusesTotal
-5 96-5110 1341010030
-5210 120010050
10 112001015350
10 108010035450
10 89010055550
10 1400010756-5 11545
-5 9070710 144001065
10 10810100100865
10 10810100130965
10 135101001601065
10 79010101901165
1901210 1091001095
10 1121010102301395
2301410 13901010125
10 8700024015125
10 130010026016-5 66120
10 1161010029017120
-5 822851810 16301010150
2851910 5801010180
2852010 105000190
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text