
The narrator of this author’s story “Implosion” wonders “To explode or to implode [...] that is the question” before musing on black holes. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this Italian author whose collection Cosmicomics includes several stories narrated by a being named Qfwfq (“kuh-FOOF-kuh”).
ANSWER: Italo Calvino [or Italo Giovanni Calvino Mameli; prompt on Mameli]
[10m] Qfwfq’s cousin, the Deaf One, excels at gathering milk from the title location in this story, the first in Cosmicomics. In this story, Qfwfq falls in love with Mrs. Vhd Vhd (“vood vood”).
ANSWER: “The Distance of the Moon” [or “The Distance from the Moon,” or “La distanza della Luna”]
[10h] In another romance-centered tale from Cosmicomics, Qfwfq falls for Ayl while the two are living on a prehistoric version of Earth before these title things appear along with the atmosphere.
ANSWER: colors [accept “Without Colors” or “Senza colori”]
<European Literature>

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Penn AVanderbilt A100010
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Yale BSouth Carolina A100010
Columbia BFlorida A100010
Johns Hopkins ACornell A100010
Penn State AMichigan A100010
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MIT ADuke A10101030
UC Berkeley AChicago B1010020
Virginia AIowa State A100010