
An annual ceremony that honored the defeat of these people with a parade of mounted youths was called “the review of the cavalry.” A leader of these people was accused of plotting a coup after his slave was bribed to plant a large quantity of swords in his lodging-place. Aulus Postumius Albinus and Aebutius Elva defeated these people (-5[1])at a battle that forced them to sign (-5[1])the “Treaty of Cassius.” (-5[1])The defection of these people’s (10[1])city of Praeneste (“PRY-ness-tay”) helped the Romans win a war against them. (-5[1])According to (-5[1])legend, Castor and Pollux were awarded a temple after they appeared and defeated these people at the Battle of Lake Regillus. These people’s cities, including (10[2])Aricia (“ah-REE-kee-ah”) and Lavinium, (10[1])united under (-5[2])Alba (10[1])Longa’s (-5[1])leadership (10[1])to oppose (10[1]-5[1])local expansion by Rome in a namesake (10[1])“League.” (10[1])For 10 points, (-5[1])what ancient Italic people (-5[2])gave their name to the language that the Romans (10[1])spoke? (10[3])■END■ (10[9])

ANSWER: Latins [accept prisci Latini; accept Latians; accept Latin League; accept Old Latins; accept Aricians or Turnus Herdonius of Aricia until “Aricia” is read; prompt on Italic peoples until read; reject “Etruscans”]
<Other History>
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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y22100%0%55%134.14


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andrew ZengStanford ABrown A57-5
Gavin MarkoffVanderbilt APenn A65-5
Matt SchiavonePurdue AIndiana A69-5
Michał GerasimiukYale ATexas A7410
Jonathan ShaufNorth Carolina AImperial A85-5
Cole TimmerwilkeHarvard AChicago A87-5
Tracy MirkinFlorida AColumbia B11210
Matthew LehmannWUSTL AToronto A11210
Lexi TermanRutgers BUC Berkeley B11510
Aiden DartleyRutgers AHouston A117-5
JD KrothIowa State AVirginia A117-5
Jonathan TranCornell AJohns Hopkins A11810
Matthew SiffYale BSouth Carolina A119-5
Roxanne TangOhio State AMcGill A12010
Stevie MillerMaryland AMinnesota A12210
Alex SchmidtPenn State AMichigan A122-5
Elijah ScheinsonColumbia AWUSTL B12910
Andrew SalijNorthwestern AMinnesota B13010
Vivek SasseChicago BUC Berkeley A133-5
Halle FriedmanNYU AClaremont A137-5
Qingyu ZhangFlorida BChicago C137-5
Simon GorbatyDuke AMIT A14610
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn AVanderbilt A14710
Gio MazzeoVirginia AIowa State A14710
Sean DoyleHouston ARutgers A14710
Eve FleisigUC Berkeley AChicago B14810
Jason HongBrown AStanford A14810
Dean Ah NowClaremont ANYU A14810
Matt JacksonChicago AHarvard A14810
Zane KierzykIndiana APurdue A14810
Michael MaysImperial ANorth Carolina A14810
Robert CondronChicago CFlorida B14810
James StevensonMichigan APenn State A14810
Isak JatoiSouth Carolina AYale B14810