2023 ACF Nationals

Round 5: Imperial A vs. North Carolina A

North Carolina A


Vincent Du4135
Vittal Bhat2115
Jonathan Shauf120
Jim Fan4135
11 bonuses for 160 points (14.55 PPB)

Imperial A


Enoch Yuen1010
Michael Mays5050
Rahim Dina1010
Carlos Doebeli115
8 bonuses for 70 points (8.75 PPB)

Vincent DuVittal BhatJonathan ShaufJim FanBonusesTotalTUEnoch YuenMichael MaysRahim DinaCarlos DoebeliBonusesTotal
-5 117-5110 135010020
10 145010015220
-5 8510310 14800030
10 11700020430
20510 121010050
10 14110101060650
10 1320010807-5 7745
10 1191000100845
10 1141000120945
1201010 85010065
1201110 125010085
10 8510001401285
10 14101001601385
-5 791551485
1551510 1190010105
10 10810101019516105
10 1110101022517105
-5 1102201810 1640100125
10 520101025019125
-5 1172452010 1600100145
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text