2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 7: Bowdoin A vs. Williams A

Williams A


Marc Greco6345
Ethan Young4135
10 bonuses for 120 points (12 PPB)

Bowdoin A


Riley Roessler115
Evan Lucca5240
Nick Enbar-Salo1010
Richard Lim1010
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Marc GrecoEthan YoungBonusesTotalTURiley RoesslerEvan LuccaNick Enbar-SaloRichard LimBonusesTotal
10 12601002010
10 82100105020
0 1435030
-5 11045410 127001020
10 1191001075520
-5 10170610 1210101050
-5 1086570 13850
65810 79010070
-5 9060910 119010090
601010 10210010120
10 13910008011-5 124115
801210 11501010145
801310 420100165
10 700101011014165
1101510 850100185
10 12900012016-5 91180
10 102010014017180
10 126010016018180
10 47010018019180
10 115001020020-5 36175
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text