
These people were reportedly forced to get extremely drunk before being displayed as examples of inappropriate behavior at communal banquets. After one conflict, some of these people were resettled in the city of Naupactus. According to Thucydides, (-5[1])one city’s policy was “always determined by the necessity of taking precautions against” these (10[1])people. An earthquake sparked the (10[1])last (10[1])of these people’s Messinian Wars. (10[1])Epaminondas (10[1])dissolved one group of these people after the Battle of Leuctra. These people could become neodamodes (10[1])after serving as hoplites or undergoing the agōgē educational system. (-5[1])Kryptai were allowed to kill these people after an annual declaration of war by the ephors of one city. For 10 points, name these Spartan slaves. ■END■ (10[3])

ANSWER: helots [accept Messinian helots or Laconian helots; prompt on doulos or perioikoi; prompt on Greek slaves or Spartan slaves until read]
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Evan LuccaBowdoin AWilliams A36-5
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Rohan GaneshanHarvard ANortheastern A5510
Matthew SiffYale ACarabrandeis5610
Christopher DechDiamond BrandeisBowdoin B6110
Lukas KoutsoukosYale BBoston University B6210
Peter ScullyTufts ATufts B7810
Yrwin BatanMIT ABrown A88-5
Derek FinoClark AA Brandeis Supreme11510
Roger ChennYale CBrandeises Brew11510
Marc GrecoWilliams ABowdoin A11510