
One form of this phenomenon can be eliminated by setting a magnetic sphere’s permeability equal to permittivity in the Kerker effect. The KdV equation’s soliton solutions can be found with an “inverse transform” named for this phenomenon. According to the optical theorem, the imaginary part of an “amplitude” measuring the probability of this phenomenon (-5[1])equals k over 4 pi times the differential cross-section. Applying X-rays (10[1])to a graphite target demonstrated one form of this phenomenon whose strength equals one minus cosine theta times a namesake wavelength of h (10[2])over mc. (10[1])The sky’s blue color is explained by Lord Rayleigh’s (10[1])form of this phenomenon. (10[4])For 10 points, particles strike each other and deflect in a form of what process named for Arthur Compton? (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: scattering [accept Compton scattering or Rayleigh scattering or scattering amplitude or backscattering or inverse scattering transform; prompt on collisions]
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Sohum SukhatankarHarvard ANortheastern A53-5
Yrwin BatanMIT ABrown A6410
Richard LinAmherst ABoston University A8710
Matthew SiffYale ACarabrandeis8710
Will ZhangTufts BTufts A8910
Roger ChennYale CBrandeises Brew9810
Kayla DrajpuchA Brandeis SupremeClark A10210
Graham LucasBowdoin BDiamond Brandeis10210
Nick Enbar-SaloBowdoin AWilliams A10210
Lukas KoutsoukosYale BBoston University B10210
Rajat SethiNortheastern AHarvard A12110