
A model originally applied to one form of this behavior includes a parameter a that represents searching efficiency and was developed by Nicholson and Bailey. Instances of one form of this behavior are more likely to occur between closely related species according to Emery’s rule. A namesake form of castration and micropredation are two of the six major strategies of this behavior. Sexual reproduction may have evolved as a response to this behavior according (10[1])to the Red Queen hypothesis. (10[2])The mafia hypothesis proposes that threat of retaliation leads to acceptance of cuckoos laying their eggs in other (10[1])nests, (10[1])which is a classic example of this behavior’s “brood” form. (10[1])For (10[1])10 points, name this form of symbiosis (10[3])in which the namesake organism benefits at the expense of its host. ■END■

ANSWER: parasitism [or parasitic behavior or parasites; accept brood parasitism or social parasitism or kleptoparasitism; accept parasitoids or parasitoidism; prompt on symbiosis until read]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Alex JiangBrown AMIT A7310
Yixi YangYale ACarabrandeis7810
Peter NelsonYale BBoston University B7810
Rajat SethiNortheastern AHarvard A9610
Yvonne PanAmherst ABoston University A9710
Graham LucasBowdoin BDiamond Brandeis10710
Peter ScullyTufts ATufts B10810
Derek FinoClark AA Brandeis Supreme11510
Roger ChennYale CBrandeises Brew11510
Riley RoesslerBowdoin AWilliams A11510
