
Townerites opposed the abandonment of this virtue by John Noyes of Oneida. Old Believer Theodosians promoted this virtue while Pomorians rejected it. Chapter 16 of the Second Vatican Council’s Presbyterorum Ordinis commends Eastern priests despite their violation of this virtue. (10[1])After Patriarch Nikon’s (10[1]-5[1])reforms, “black” Russian Orthodox priests upheld this virtue while “white” priests (10[1])violated it. Adherence to this virtue (10[1])occurs in the Hindu life stage of brahmacharya. (10[2])Prohibitions of certain visitors on Mount Athos reinforce this virtue amongst its monks. (10[1]-5[1])God did not bind people to this virtue according to Martin Luther, who violated it after smuggling Katharina von Bora (10[1])out of a Cistercian convent. For 10 points, name this virtue held by Catholic priests who cannot marry. (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: celibacy [or being celibate; accept descriptions such as not marrying until read; accept abstinence; prompt on virginity]
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