2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 7: Tufts A vs. Tufts B

Tufts A


Peter Scully4040
Julia Appel2115
John Cha4040
Madeline Straus000
10 bonuses for 90 points (9 PPB)

Tufts B


Francis Powell1010
Will Zhang4040
Ethan Siskel3030
Douglas Lilly000
Dylan Tanouye2020
10 bonuses for 100 points (10 PPB)

Peter ScullyJulia AppelJohn ChaMadeline StrausBonusesTotalTUFrancis PowellWill ZhangEthan SiskelDouglas LillyDylan TanouyeBonusesTotal
0110 12600010
0210 82010030
0310 9600040
-5 76-5410 127100060
-5510 69010080
10 1211010025680
25710 9701010110
10 971000458110
10 82000559110
551010 8901010140
10 4101007511140
10 10800109512140
951310 670100160
951410 660100180
10 940101012515180
10 5800013516180
10 63010015517180
1551810 920010200
10 59010017519200
10 7800018520200
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text