2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 7: Amherst A vs. Boston University A

Amherst A


Yvonne Pan2020
Kevin Hoff4135
Richard Lin4040
Michael Zheng2115
12 bonuses for 210 points (17.5 PPB)

Boston University A


Jaehyun Park4040
Eren Michelet3030
Graham Close1010
Jaise King01-5
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Yvonne PanKevin HoffRichard LinMichael ZhengBonusesTotalTUJaehyun ParkEren MicheletGraham CloseJaise KingBonusesTotal
10 561010104010
40210 67001020
10 109001060320
10 1211000804-5 7615
-5 7275510 1261001045
10 10310100105645
-5 74100710 138010065
10 9810010130865
10 9510100160965
10 87010101901065
10 128010102201165
10 97010102501265
10 39101002801365
2801410 8200075
2801510 81010095
2801610 68000105
2801710 9801010135
10 91001030018135
3001910 47101010175
10 50001032020175
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text