2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 7: Brandeis A vs. Clark A

Brandeis A


Kayla Drajpuch6060
Andrew Messersmith01-5
Jonathan Schnipper2115
Khumoyun Bakhtiyarov2020
10 bonuses for 150 points (15 PPB)

Clark A


Grace Bramer000
Edward Burns000
Armand Erban1010
Derek Fino7260
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Kayla DrajpuchAndrew MessersmithJonathan SchnipperKhumoyun BakhtiyarovBonusesTotalTUGrace BramerEdward BurnsArmand ErbanDerek FinoBonusesTotal
10 9801002010
20210 6710101040
10 136001040340
10 9510010704-5 6835
70510 891010065
-5 11065665
0 1386570 13865
65810 107010085
10 940101095985
10 1021010101351085
10 139100015511-5 11980
1551210 11501010110
10 590101018513110
10 79001020514110
2051510 1100100130
-5 622001610 129000140
10 121010022017140
10 109010024018140
2401910 8001010170
2402010 115000180
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text