2024 ACF Nationals

Round 5: UC Berkeley A vs. North Carolina B

North Carolina B


Eric Gunter1010
Ivvone Zhou01-5
Rasheeq Azad4040
Graham Troy2020
7 bonuses for 90 points (12.86 PPB)

UC Berkeley A


Eve Fleisig3125
Nathaniel Hull5145
Shahar Schwartz3030
Swapnil Garg1010
12 bonuses for 190 points (15.83 PPB)

Eric GunterIvvone ZhouRasheeq AzadGraham TroyBonusesTotalTUEve FleisigNathaniel HullShahar SchwartzSwapnil GargBonusesTotal
0 151010 1510
0210 97010020
10 31100020320
20410 125100040
20510 1231001070
-5 9415610 144001090
10 960101045790
10 111010065890
65910 13710010120
651010 12410100150
10 120100109511150
951210 10310010180
951310 1171000200
951410 1401000220
951510 9410010250
10 114010011516250
10 128001013517-5 103245
1351810 13910100275
1351910 8110010305
10 146100015520-5 98300
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text