
Derivatives of succinimide (“suck-SIN-uh-myde”) with these bonds are good sources of free radicals. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these bonds between a particular element and a particular group. Löffler and Freytag (“FRY-tack”) used the radical formed by homolytic cleavage of these bonds to close the pyrrole (“PIRR-roll”) ring of nicotine.
ANSWER: nitrogen–halogen bonds [or N–X bonds; accept bromine, Br, chlorine, Cl, iodine, or I in place of “halogen”; accept N in place of “nitrogen”; accept N-haloamines, N-bromosuccinimide, N-chlorosuccinimide, or N-iodosuccinimide; prompt on halogen bonds by asking “with what element?”]
[10m] This scientist showed that radicals formed from nitrogen–halogen bonds could be used to create alkaloids. An isocyanate (“iso-CYAN-ate”) is the intermediate during a reaction named for this scientist, which removes one carbon from an amide (“AM-idd”).
ANSWER: August Wilhelm von Hofmann [accept Hofmann elimination or Hofmann–Löffler(–Freytag) reaction]
[10e] Nitrogen–halogen bonds can be formed by mixing bleach with this other cleaner, which will evolve chloramine gas. This volatile compound has an incredibly distinctive smell.
ANSWER: ammonia [or NH3]

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