2024 ACF Nationals

Round 5: Florida A vs. Indiana A

Indiana A


Alex Akridge4040
Danila Kabotyanski5145
Jakob Myers6060
Justin Hawkins1010
16 bonuses for 280 points (17.5 PPB)

Florida A


Hayden Prather120
Graham Cope1010
Tiffany Zhou000
2 bonuses for 20 points (10 PPB)

Alex AkridgeDanila KabotyanskiJakob MyersJustin HawkinsBonusesTotalTUHayden PratherGraham CopeTiffany ZhouBonusesTotal
0 15101-5 75-5
-5 74-5210 128010015
10 1041010025315
10 15110100554-5 13410
10 119100075510
0 1447560 14410
10 10300085710
10 1610100115810
10 13410100145910
10 147100101751010
10 431010102151110
10 137100102451210
10 721010102851310
10 9610003051410
3051510 106100030
10 102100103351630
10 10401003551730
10 12300103751830
10 861010104151930
10 9610004352030
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text