2023 ACF Winter at Columbia

Round 10: Rutgers B vs. Yale C

Rutgers B


Mark Tawfik03220
Simon Emmanuel08080
Jonathan Chen0000
11 bonuses for 110 points (10 PPB)

Yale C


Iyanu Nafiu0115
Yixi Yang05145
Bri Anderson01010
Peter Nelson01010
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Mark TawfikSimon EmmanuelJonathan ChenBonusesTotalTUIyanu NafiuYixi YangBri AndersonPeter NelsonBonusesTotal
10 8901002010
10 10900104020
10 10201006030
10 10501008040
10 124100010050
100610 131010020
100710 1320101050
10 890100120850
120910 71100070
-5 361151010 11901010100
1151110 1421000120
10 79001013512120
10 48001015513120
10 124010017514-5 105115
10 43100019515115
10 69100021516115
2151710 67000125
0 13021518-5 127120
2151910 12401010150
-5 652102010 1251000170
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text