
Answer the following about the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, for 10 points each.
[10h] The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test is often used to test this cognitive faculty. Norman and Shallice proposed a model in which this faculty relies on a supervisory attentional system.
ANSWER: executive functions [or cognitive control]
[10e] The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test requires the “working” form of this metal capacity, the ability to store and recall information.
ANSWER: memory [or remembering; accept working memory; accept recall]
[10m] Like most tests of executive function, low scores on the WCST may be a sign of injury to this lobe of the brain. This portion of the brain contains the premotor cortex, motor cortex, and Broca’s area.
ANSWER: frontal lobe [reject “prefrontal cortex”]
<Social Science>

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