In close-packed systems, the [emphasize] opposite of this process occurs if the third derivative of the interatomic potential at the equilibrium distance is greater than zero. Glass-ceramics such as Sitall and Zerodur that resist this process are used in telescope mirrors. This process is near-absent in an alloy containing 64 percent iron and 36 percent nickel. In an isotropic material, the volumetric and linear parameters characterizing this process differ by a factor of three. Different rates of this process cause a bimetallic strip to bend. A coefficient describing this process is calculated by the percent change in volume divided by the change in temperature. For 10 points, name this phenomenon in which applying heat changes a material’s size. ■END■
ANSWER: thermal expansion [accept negative thermal expansion; accept coefficient of thermal expansion; prompt on expansion; prompt on descriptions of expanding or changing size before “size” is read]
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