2023 ACF Winter at Columbia

Round 4: Columbia C vs. Princeton A

Columbia C


Mihir Shetty03125
3 bonuses for 20 points (6.67 PPB)

Princeton A


Jake Grodner01010
Austin Guo08080
Dylan Epstein-Gross03030
Carter McLean0115
13 bonuses for 260 points (20 PPB)

Mihir ShettyBonusesTotalTUJake GrodnerAustin GuoDylan Epstein-GrossCarter McLeanBonusesTotal
10 4701002010
0 1202020 1200
20310 781010030
-5 1291540 13730
15510 13510101070
10 8100025670
25710 8901010100
25810 86101010140
25910 691000160
251010 760010180
0 1192511-5 99175
251210 10201010205
251310 950100225
251410 92101010265
0 12825150 128265
251610 12510010295
10 9000104517295
451810 127101010335
451910 780100355
452010 11010100385
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text