
The indigenous people of this island use a calendar with 10 concurrent weeks of different lengths and 210 days a year. A loophole in the Hays Code allowed Deane H. Dickason to release a quasi-pornographic documentary about “Virgins of [this island].” An anthropologist working on this island documented “child nurses” and modes of kinesthetic learning (-5[1])in a book containing over 700 photographs. Colin (-5[1])McPhee’s study of the musicology of this island, where he lived in the 1930s, was included in a documentary depicting a group of women stabbing themselves (10[1])with kris daggers. Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead used (-5[1])the participant-observation (-5[2])method to write a book about this island’s “Character.” For 10 points, name this predominantly Hindu island (-5[1])in (-5[1])Indonesia. (10[1])■END■ (10[3]0[4])

ANSWER: Bali [accept Balinese Character; accept Trance and Dance in Bali; accept Virgins from Bali]
<Social Science>
= Average correct buzz position

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2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y956%0%78%112.60


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Sam MacchiVassarPenn B54-5
Simon EmmanuelRutgers BPrinceton B62-5
Owen MimnoNYU ABard A8810
Lukas KoutsoukosYale BRutgers A97-5
Forrest WeintraubColumbia AHaverford99-5
Carter McLeanPrinceton AColumbia C99-5
Ashish KumbhardareRowan AColumbia B116-5
Anirudh BharadwajPenn ACornell C117-5
Lexi TermanRutgers AYale B11810
Jack RadoColumbia BRowan A11910
Nathan ZhangCornell CPenn A1190
Arjun BothraHaverfordColumbia A11910
Jasin CekinmezPrinceton BRutgers B11910
Karsten RynearsonYale AYale C1190
Chenyao LiuPenn BVassar1190
Mihir ShettyColumbia CPrinceton A1190