Description acceptable. According to Jean Ducat, an unclear term denoting the final stage of this system is first mentioned in the Gortyn law code as a variant of hēbōnte (“hay-BON-tay”). Pyrrhus of Epirus allegedly launched a 272 BCE siege to take advantage of this system for foreign trophimoi. Participants in this system deliberately stole cheese from the altar of Orthia and joined syssítion (“suh-SIT-tee-un”) dining groups after its completion. Supposed victims of this system revolted after an earthquake struck Mount Taygetus. The Crypteia was supplied by this system, which Ephraim David argued instilled “laconic silence” in its participants’ speeches. Plutarch claimed that this system was meant to keep the rural helot population in check. For 10 points, name this system of militaristic training for boys in a Peloponnesian city. ■END■
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Cooper Roh | Columbia B | Rowan A | 53 | 10 |
Jacob Hardin-Bernhardt | NYU A | Bard A | 58 | 10 |
Aiden Dartley | Rutgers A | Yale B | 61 | 10 |
John John Groger | Columbia A | Haverford | 75 | 10 |
Vishal Kanigicherla | Penn A | Cornell C | 80 | 10 |
Yixi Yang | Yale C | Yale A | 89 | -5 |
Simon Emmanuel | Rutgers B | Princeton B | 120 | -5 |
Austin Guo | Princeton A | Columbia C | 127 | 10 |
William Orr | Yale A | Yale C | 127 | 10 |
Vincent Zhang | Penn B | Vassar | 127 | 10 |