2023 Chicago Open

Round 4: Team Name Think Detail vs. The Canadians

The Canadians


Paul Kasinski0000
Milan Fernandez0115
Rein Otsason11120
Chris Sims04040
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Team Name Think Detail


Matt Bollinger03125
Mike Sorice03125
Matt Lafer11025
Ethan Strombeck21135
11 bonuses for 180 points (16.36 PPB)

Paul KasinskiMilan FernandezRein OtsasonChris SimsBonusesTotalTUMatt BollingerMike SoriceMatt LaferEthan StrombeckBonusesTotal
10 1701000202-5 102-5
10 8310100503-5
-5 6345410 10810101035
10 1530005550 15335
556-5 14930
-5 3950710 158100050
10 74001070850
15 61001095950
951010 1470101080
951110 12510010110
951210 10501010140
951310 1430100160
951415 680010185
951510 980100205
951610 14310010235
10 691010012517235
1251815 640100260
10 150010014519-5 50255
1452015 7110100290
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text