2023 ACF Nationals

Round 12: Indiana A vs. Minnesota A

Minnesota A


Shardul Rao115
Ethan Ashbrook13-5
Joel Miles4135
Maxwell Ye1010
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

Indiana A


Justin Hawkins5050
Alex Akridge4040
Drake Eshleman000
Zane Kierzyk115
10 bonuses for 150 points (15 PPB)

Shardul RaoEthan AshbrookJoel MilesMaxwell YeBonusesTotalTUJustin HawkinsAlex AkridgeDrake EshlemanZane KierzykBonusesTotal
-5 107-5110 125010020
10 891010025220
25310 1290101050
10 8400035450
35510 138001070
35610 91001090
10 15010010657-5 9085
65810 1330100105
10 841000859105
-5 115801010 15001010135
-5 1047511135
10 11410009512135
-5 1289013135
10 95001011014135
10 9610101015015135
1501610 620010155
1501710 11210010185
-5 14614518185
1451910 8310100215
1452010 8810010245
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text