
The second of this book’s two chapters on “spiritual violence” discusses “the misery of not being a cause” and “the misery of not feeling entitled to one’s misery.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this book that blames “managerial feudalism” for the proliferation of groups like “goons” and “duct tapers.”
ANSWER: Bullshit Jobs [or Bullshit Jobs: A Theory]
[10m] Bullshit Jobs was written by this anthropologist, whose books The Dawn of Everything and Pirate Enlightenment were published after his 2020 death.
ANSWER: David Graeber [or David Rolfe Graeber] (David Wengrow co-authored The Dawn of Everything.)
[10e] A Graeber essay is titled for “fragments” of an approach to anthropology named for this political position. A founder of this position, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (“proo-DAWN”), declared that “property is theft!”
ANSWER: anarchism [or anarchy; accept Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology]
<Social Science>

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Yale AChicago B10101030
Cornell BChicago C0101020
Yale BClaremont A0101020
MIT AColumbia A10101030
Houston AColumbia B0000
Cornell AChicago A1001020
Georgia Tech BPenn State A10101030
WUSTL BIllinois A001010
Rutgers BJohns Hopkins A001010
Minnesota AIndiana A0000
Florida BMinnesota B10101030
Ohio State AGeorgia Tech A0101020
Penn ASouth Carolina A0101020
Purdue ANYU A0101020
Northwestern AToronto A10101030
Harvard AUC Berkeley A0101020
Vanderbilt AImperial A001010
Brown ADuke A10101030
McGill AVirginia A001010
Texas ANorth Carolina A10101030
Iowa State ARutgers A0000
WUSTL AStanford A0101020
Michigan AUC Berkeley B0101020
Maryland AFlorida A10101030