
Margaret Palmer and Emily Bernhardt proposed five rules for achieving this task in river ecosystems after analyzing 37,000 projects in the NRRSS. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this practice of trying to help an ecosystem recover. For rivers, this process may involve dam removal to reestablish historical flow regimes.
ANSWER: ecological restoration [or restoring or word forms of restore; accept river restoration; prompt on rewilding]
[10h] This phenomenon, in which community composition depends on colonization order, affects restoration success. Tadashi Fukami showed that this phenomenon can lead to either alternative stable or transient states.
ANSWER: priority effects
[10e] In this doubly-eponymous model of competition, priority effects arise when each species has more negative effects on the other than on itself. This model shares its name with a similar set of equations modeling predation.
ANSWER: Lotka–Volterra competition model [or competitive Lotka–Volterra equations]

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Yale AChicago B1001020
Chicago CCornell B001010
Yale BClaremont A001010
Columbia AMIT A1001020
Houston AColumbia B100010
Cornell AChicago A001010
Penn State AGeorgia Tech B1001020
WUSTL BIllinois A1001020
Rutgers BJohns Hopkins A1001020
Indiana AMinnesota A001010
Florida BMinnesota B0000
Georgia Tech AOhio State A001010
South Carolina APenn A0000
Purdue ANYU A1001020
Northwestern AToronto A001010
UC Berkeley AHarvard A001010
Imperial AVanderbilt A001010
Brown ADuke A001010
McGill AVirginia A0000
Texas ANorth Carolina A1001020
Iowa State ARutgers A001010
Stanford AWUSTL A1001020
UC Berkeley BMichigan A001010
Florida AMaryland A001010