
This phrase originates from the continued usage of the term “na” to refer to a country whose name translates to the “borderlands” as a territory instead of “v” (“vuh”) to designate it as a nation-state. For 10 points each:
[10h] Give this English phrase, a correction to which is the first correction listed by the #CorrectUA (“hashtag Correct U-A”) movement.
ANSWER: The Ukraine [or descriptions like “Ukraine with The before it”; prompt on The by asking “In front of what word?”]
[10e] Karelian people have tried to correct the repetitive addition of the Russian word “Ozero” (“OH-zyih-ruh”) to these geographic features, like Ladoga near Saint Petersburg.
ANSWER: lakes [accept Lake Ladoga]
[10m] Members of this ethnic group have criticized the translation of Yamantau in the Urals as being “Mount Evil Mountain” in Russian. Ufa (“UH-fuh”) is the capital of a republic named for these descendants of the Kipchaks who appear in Leo Tolstoy’s story “How Much Land Does a Man Need?”
ANSWER: Bashkirs [or Başqorttar; accept Bashkortostan; accept Bashkiria]

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Chicago BYale A1010020
Chicago CCornell B010010
Claremont AYale B1010020
Columbia AMIT A1010020
Columbia BHouston A1010020
Cornell AChicago A010010
Penn State AGeorgia Tech B1010020
WUSTL BIllinois A010010
Rutgers BJohns Hopkins A010010
Indiana AMinnesota A0101020
Minnesota BFlorida B010010
Georgia Tech AOhio State A0101020
Penn ASouth Carolina A010010
Purdue ANYU A010010
Northwestern AToronto A0000
UC Berkeley AHarvard A010010
Vanderbilt AImperial A010010
Brown ADuke A010010
McGill AVirginia A10101030
North Carolina ATexas A0101020
Iowa State ARutgers A10101030
Stanford AWUSTL A1010020
UC Berkeley BMichigan A10101030
Florida AMaryland A010010