2023 ACF Nationals

Round 7: Columbia B vs. WUSTL A



Matthew Lehmann6155
Charles Hang3030
Annabelle Yang2020
Cyrus Zhou115
12 bonuses for 230 points (19.17 PPB)

Columbia B


Noah Chen115
Albert Zhang120
William Groger4040
Forrest Weintraub000
6 bonuses for 60 points (10 PPB)

Matthew LehmannCharles HangAnnabelle YangCyrus ZhouBonusesTotalTUNoah ChenAlbert ZhangWilliam GrogerForrest WeintraubBonusesTotal
10 94101003010
10 981010107020
70310 78010020
70410 95100040
10 131101010110540
-5 37105610 156100060
105710 82001080
-5 71100810 1440010100
10 83101001309100
10 741001016010-5 3395
10 133100101901195
10 13101002101295
10 146010023013-5 13490
10 941010102701490
0 14927015-5 11785
10 7701002901685
0 130290170 13085
2901810 380010105
10 13401031019105
10 1001001034020105
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text