
Python and Heraclides (“hair-uh-KLY-deez”), two students of Plato, assassinated the ruler of a kingdom in this region. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this region where Cotys I ruled the Odrysians. In this region, Athens replaced the failed settlement of Ennea Hodoi (“en-NAY-uh ho-DOY”) with a colony at Amphipolis (“am-FIP-uh-liss”) in a bid to more easily access the mines at Mount Pangaeus.
ANSWER: Thrace [or Thracia, Thráki, Trakiya, Thráki, or Trakya; ​​accept Thracian Kingdom; prompt on Bulgaria, Bǎlgariya, European Turkey, or Türkiye; reject “Anatolia”]
[10h] Cotys I married a daughter to this 4th-century-BCE Athenian general, who popularized peltasts by introducing lighter equipment. This man’s hit-and-run javelin tactic crushed a Spartan hoplite force at Lechaeum.
ANSWER: Iphicrates (“if-ih-KRAH-teez”)
[10e] This ruler was perhaps inspired by Iphicrates’s reforms to create the sarissa-armed Macedonian phalanx. This ruler defeated the forces of Athens and Thebes at Chaeronea (“kye-ro-NAY-uh”).
ANSWER: Philip II of Macedon [or Philip II of Macedonia; accept Philippos in place of “Philip”; prompt on Philip of Macedon or Philip of Macedonia]
<Other History>

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Brown ACornell B1001020
Claremont AGeorgia Tech B001010
UC Berkeley AJohns Hopkins A001010
Duke AFlorida B1001020
Yale AMcGill A001010
MIT AMichigan A0000
Harvard AMinnesota A1001020
NYU AMinnesota B0000
Houston APenn A0000
South Carolina APurdue A001010
Imperial AVirginia A100010
Chicago CIllinois A1001020
Columbia AOhio State A1001020
Chicago BNorth Carolina A001010
Northwestern AStanford A001010
WUSTL AColumbia B1001020
UC Berkeley BWUSTL B0000
Florida AYale B1001020
Penn State AGeorgia Tech A001010
Maryland ARutgers A1001020
Texas ARutgers B1001020