
Fictitious “laws” of a people in this region are related in a work by Gregentius, who supposedly served one of its cities as archbishop. In this region, the Austrian archaeologist Eduard Glaser (“GLAH-zer”) collected thousands of inscriptions. Control of trade in this region was contested by the Minaean Kingdom and the Qatabān (“KA-tuh-ban”) Kingdom. The foreign guide Syllaeus (-5[1])was blamed for a disastrous Augustan-era expedition (10[1])to (10[1])this region commanded by Aelius Gallus. (-5[1])According to legend, an invasion by a self-declared ruler of this region failed when seabirds each dropped three stones on his soldiers’ heads. The Jewish king Dhu Nuwas (10[2])(“doo noo-WOSS”) ruled (10[1])the Himyarite (10[1]-5[1])Kingdom (10[3])in this region, (10[3])whose city of (10[1])Mar’ib (10[1])was the capital of the Sabaeans. Part of this region had a reputation for fertility for bearing plants like myrrh, leading the Romans to call it “Felix (10[1])(“FAY-leeks”).” For 10 points, name this peninsula (10[1])whose pagan tribes became the core (10[1])supporters of Muhammad’s (10[1])Islamic movement. ■END■ (10[3])

ANSWER: Arabia [accept Arabia Felix; accept Arabian Peninsula or Shibhu l-jazīrati l-‘arabiyyah; accept South Arabia; accept Yemen; accept Himyarite Kingdom until read; prompt on Aksumite Kingdom or Aksumite Empire by asking “what region that was, at one time, controlled in part by Aksum?”; prompt on Western Asia or Middle East or MENA; reject “Ethiopia” or “Horn of Africa”] (The self-declared ruler was Abraha, during his invasion of Mecca in the Year of the Elephant.)
<Other History>
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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y21100%0%14%113.29


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Matt SchiavonePurdue ASouth Carolina A55-5
Jason HongBrown ACornell B6210
Tracy MirkinFlorida AYale B6310
Qingyu ZhangFlorida BDuke A69-5
Chris RayOhio State AColumbia A9710
Hari ParameswaranGeorgia Tech APenn State A9710
Andrew ZengStanford ANorthwestern A9810
Matthew LehmannWUSTL AColumbia B10010
Dean Ah NowClaremont AGeorgia Tech B100-5
Gio MazzeoVirginia AImperial A10110
Arthur Delot-VilainYale AMcGill A10110
Stevie MillerMaryland ARutgers A10110
Subhamitra Banerjee RoychoudhuryMichigan AMIT A10410
Brad MacLaineTexas ARutgers B10410
Justin WytmarIllinois AChicago C10410
Vivek SasseChicago BNorth Carolina A10710
Jonathan LauJohns Hopkins AUC Berkeley A10810
Danny HanPenn AHouston A13510
Vedul PalavajjhalaWUSTL BUC Berkeley B14110
Cole TimmerwilkeHarvard AMinnesota A14710
Ashish SubramanianDuke AFlorida B15010
Sanjay SrihariGeorgia Tech BClaremont A15310
Keegan MartinNYU AMinnesota B15310
Isak JatoiSouth Carolina APurdue A15310